Friday 8 September 2017

Who belongs in a city?

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Today's TED Talk

Who belongs in a city?

12:03 minutes · TEDGlobal 2017

Underneath every shiny new megacity, there's often a story of communities displaced. In this moving, poetic talk, OluTimehin Adegbeye details how government land grabs are destroying the lives of thousands who live in the coastal communities of Lagos, Nigeria, to make way for a "new Dubai." She compels us to hold our governments and ourselves accountable for keeping our cities safe for everyone. "The only cities worth building, indeed the only futures worth dreaming of, are those that include all of us, no matter who we are or how we make homes for ourselves," she says.

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Playlist of the Day

The rise of Africa's next generation

The rise of Africa's next generation

What's the biggest influence on Africa's future? Its youth. Join the conversation with Africa's present leaders who seek to inspire and empower the generations of leaders to come. Watch »

5 talks · Total run time 1:23:22

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