Saturday 9 September 2017

Saturday's Headlines: ‘Heed the warnings’: Officials sound alarm as Irma bears down

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
Jose, nearing Category 5 status, threatens second blow to islands already hit by Irma
Emergency responders from the U.S. and Europe rushed to areas ravaged by Hurricane Irma as officials in the eastern Caribbean fortified shelters and evacuated residents ahead of Hurricane Jose, which was still gaining strength late Friday.
'Heed the warnings': Officials sound alarm as Irma bears down
"It's not a question of if Florida's going to be impacted, it's a question of how bad Florida's going to be impacted," said FEMA director William "Brock" Long as Florida residents took to the roads before the rapidly closing window to escape Irma's wrath slammed shut. The storm could make landfall by Sunday morning.
There's no place to hide from Irma in South Florida, and these folks aren't trying
"Where you gonna go?" asked one Dade County resident who, like other defiant souls, plans to meet the storm on their own terms, standing their ground. "I'm boarded up like a fort, and I got my generator, and I'm good to go," said another.
Florida governor has ignored climate change risks, critics say
For all of Rick Scott's vigor in readying Florida for Irma's wrath, his administration has done little to prepare the state for what scientists say are the inevitable effects of climate change.
Mueller gives White House names of six aides he expects to question in Russia probe
Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's interest in the aides reflects how the investigation of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election that has dogged Trump's presidency is starting to penetrate a closer circle of aides around the president.
In deal with Trump, Democrats see opportunity — and peril
New divisions within the party emerged as lawmakers and activists voiced worries about getting too close to Trump, whom they have held up as the opposite of what they stand for — and whom they hope to campaign against next year.
Trump signs Harvey aid bill after Republicans boo White House officials
House Republicans who supported the bill were frustrated that President Trump on Wednesday bargained with Democrats for a short-term debt-limit increase.
Did lesbians cause Hurricanes Irma and Harvey? God knows.
The times Trump's gut got it right
All the worst lies about Brexit are about to be revealed
Congress faces the unaccustomed agony of actually setting policy. Good.
Trump is making Americans see the U.S. the way the rest of the world already did
Betsy DeVos's remarks on campus sex assault were right on target
More News
U.S. warplanes call off surveillance of an ISIS convoy, at Russia's request
The convoy had been stuck in the Syrian desert for 10 days after U.S. airstrikes prevented them from reaching Islamic State territory in the eastern part of the country.
'Apocalyptic': U.S. wildfires have burned an area the size of Maryland
Wildfires since Jan. 1 have burned through nine states to consume a total of more than 8 million acres, or 46 percent more than an average fire season would have been to date.
Dozens dead in Mexico's strongest quake in 100 years
One of the worst-hit areas appeared to be the town of Juchitan, near the Pacific Coast of southern Mexico, with 31 people reported dead and severe damage at the city hall, a market, a car dealership and a hospital.
Trump tweets support for Texas churches seeking FEMA money after Harvey
President Trump's online post came after three Texas churches sued to challenge the Federal Emergency Management Agency's policy of excluding houses of worship from disaster relief grants.
Only in D.C.: What to do when that eyesore next door is owned by a foreign government
Residents living near the run-down buildings must rely on the State Department to delicately encourage foreign governments to clean up their properties. Sometimes it works; other times, not so much.
Warren Buffett's $100 billion dilemma
The conundrum he faces is an enviable one: What to do with the $100 billion mound of cash that his Berkshire Hathaway has stockpiled? The options have grown scarce in a big-game hunt for acquisitions.
The Switch • Analysis
After criticism, Equifax tries to ease concerns about the legal rights of consumers affected by data breach
The credit bureau said language that appeared to bar consumers from class-action lawsuits "does not apply to this cybersecurity incident." But a former deputy attorney general in New Jersey warned against getting complacent.
BMW 2-Series: A good fit for loners
Driving BMW's 230i xDrive coupe is nothing but fun, which is fine if you don't travel with anyone else.
Having older parents helped my love life
This writer knows that he doesn't need to rush into a relationship.
Are the best-selling wines actually good?
A tasting of America's most popular wines reveals mostly duds — but there are a couple of gems.

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