Friday 8 September 2017

Evening Edition: Irma likely to hit Florida as ‘a dangerous major hurricane’

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Irma likely to hit Florida as 'a dangerous major hurricane'
The Category 4 storm — about 500 miles southeast of Miami — could make landfall early Sunday. Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator William "Brock" Long called Irma "a threat that is going to devastate the United States, either Florida or some of the southeastern states," and he urged people from Alabama to North Carolina to monitor and prepare for the storm.
Hurricane catastrophe has become nearly unavoidable in Florida
Based on the latest computer model projections, it's almost impossible the storm will miss. But it's still uncertain whether the southwest or southeast coast will catch the storm's most destructive brunt, or somewhere in between.
The latest on Irma: Where is it? How strong is it?
Follow this continually updating post for the most recent forecasts and hurricane's projected path.
The Fix: Rush Limbaugh indicates he's evacuating Palm Beach days after suggesting Irma is fake news
"It turns out that we will not be able to do the program here."
Trump's beachfront Mar-a-Lago Club ordered to evacuate
The town of Palm Beach, home to the "Winter White House," is on a narrow boundary island on Florida's east coast.
As Hurricane Jose looms, islands devastated by Irma 'are in a rush against time'
Tiny islands including St. Martin, St. Barthelemy and Barbuda, 95 percent of which sustained damage, were lashed by powerful winds and have little time to regroup before Hurricane Jose arrives on Saturday.
Spicer, Priebus, Hicks among six current and former top White House aides Mueller will likely seek to interview
Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III's interest in the aides reflects how the investigation of Russia's meddling in the 2016 election that has dogged Trump's presidency is starting to penetrate a closer circle of aides around the president.
House sends $15 billion Harvey aid package to Trump despite boos, hisses from Republicans
House Republicans who supported the bill were frustrated that President Trump on Wednesday bargained with Democrats for a short-term debt-limit increase. That frustration was expressed this morning when Trump administration officials arrived at Capitol Hill to urge Republican lawmakers to back the measure.
Wilbur Ross says CEOs were wrong to quit Trump's councils after Charlottesville
The secretary of commerce remains loyal to President Trump even after his Charlottesville comments.
At least 58 killed after massive quake off Mexico's coast
The 8.1-magnitude earthquake was felt as far as Mexico City, more than 600 miles from the epicenter in southern Mexico. President Enrique Peña Nieto described it as the country's strongest quake in a hundred years. 
Election Integrity Commission members accuse New Hampshire voters of fraud
Members of the White House's commission have seized on a report about same-day registration to allege that massive fraud might have swung the state's 2016 vote.
'Embarrassing mistake': Analysts are puzzled as Equifax asks consumers for personal info after massive breach
Equifax said roughly 143 million Americans' personal information could have been compromised when hackers gained access to its data earlier in the year.
Israel's 'meals' scandal moves closer toward indictment of Netanyahu's wife
The prime minister's wife allegedly falsified documents so that food from outside companies and private chefs could be used in the official residence, even though there was a full-time chef.
Home buying while black
In subtle ways, race and class complicate the purchasing process for African Americans.
PowerPost • Analysis
Leading Republican moderate announces retirement from House with parting shot at direction of GOP
Rep. Charlie Dent's retirement gives Democrats a prime pick-up opportunity, and some veteran GOP strategists are increasingly nervous that a stream of others will follow.
Starbucks wants to sell you a sushi burrito with your Frappuccino
Despite repeated — and often novel — efforts, Starbucks has yet to find much success hawking meals alongside its coffee.

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