Tuesday 5 September 2017

Tuesday's Opinions: Ivanka Trump has learned well from her father’s cons

Impeaching Trump is a long shot. There's another way to protect the country.; Trump is hurting his presidency by continuing to go it alone
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP
Ivanka Trump has learned well from her father's cons
The game is to say whatever needs to be said to part a mark from her money, and then move on.
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Latest Columns
Impeaching Trump is a long shot. There's another way to protect the country.
Congress could take control of the government, much like what it did under President Andrew Johnson.
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Trump is hurting his presidency by continuing to go it alone
All Americans benefit when the White House and Congress work together, ideally in a bipartisan fashion.
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Let 'dreamers' live the American Dream
If Trump follows through on his threat to end DACA, Congress should pass legislation to allow 'dreamers' to remain.
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Editorial Cartoons
As bad as the political climate is, the actual climate is still worse Where there’s smoke …
There may be a connection. Mueller is examining a letter that Trump drafted the day before the president fired FBI Director James Comey for possible obstruction of justice.
The Post’s View
Congress's most important assignment after summer vacation
So much to do, so little time.
The last big piece of unfinished business from the Great Recession
We need a permanently revamped mortgage finance system, before it's too late.
In Azerbaijan, some journalists get free apartments. Others get jail cells.
The "free" press there is corroded by bribes and crackdowns.
Latest Blogs
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Trump told workers that the system is rigged. Now he’s showing them just how much.
The "populist" candidate is now the most anti-worker president in memory.
Something is seriously off about this president
What is wrong with him?
Vice President Pence and others need to answer some questions
A large cast is now implicated in the Comey firing.
The case for keeping DACA
The moral and policy case for preserving DACA is overwhelming. Legal considerations also don't justify ending the program.
Ending DACA would be Trump's most evil act
Cruelty wrapped in a web of lies.
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