Tuesday 5 September 2017

Politics: EPA now requires political aide’s sign-off for agency awards, grant applications

DACA's day of reckoning: White House protests on the day of Trump's decision
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Bill O'Leary / The Washington Post
EPA now requires political aide's sign-off for agency awards, grant applications
Nearly $2 million in competitive awards, mostly on climate, have been revoked since February.
DACA's day of reckoning: White House protests on the day of Trump's decision
"Dreamers" and their supporters will demonstrate as the administration is scheduled to announce whether he will let the program continue.
Everything Congress has to do in September, in one post
Lawmakers haven't been under this much pressure since the 2013 'fiscal cliff.'
No, Kelli Ward doesn’t believe in the ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy theory
The Senate Leadership Fund resurrects the false claim that former Arizona state senator Kelli Ward believes in the chemtrail conspiracy.
Pastors who stood by Trump after Charlottesville plead for him to show 'heart' for 'dreamer' immigrants
Despite pressure to resign, most members of an evangelical advisory board have decided to remain, in hopes of influencing presidential policy.
Both sides gear up for political fight as Trump prepares to end immigration protections for 'dreamers'
The president is poised Tuesday to roll back an Obama-era deferred deportation program for younger immigrants and call on Congress to act.
House vote on Harvey aid scheduled for Wednesday
The disaster relief package requests $7.85 billion for the devastated Texas Gulf Coast.
Breaking from tech giants, Democrats consider becoming an antimonopoly party
A messy, public brawl over a Google critic's ouster from a Washington think tank has exposed a fissure in Democratic Party politics.
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