Monday 18 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: Why Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s Vietnam War PBS documentary took 10 years to make

Opinions P.M.
Why Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's Vietnam War PBS documentary took 10 years to make
To tell the true story of the conflict, Lynn Novick and Ken Burns had to revisit old wounds in the United States and Vietnam.
'The first white president' is a 'bad dude'
Ta-Nehisi Coates lays out with precision and data what I knew in my bones.
Hollywood helps Sean Spicer turn misinformation into money
Stephen Colbert helps Sean Spicer relaunch himself.
Did the Ferguson shooting make police less proactive?
An in-depth look at Missouri police practices yields surprising results.
Democrats should steal these good tax reform ideas
Two possible plans are worth exploring.
The environmental assault reaches a monumental scale
How low can they go?
On Iran, is Tillerson speaking for the administration?
Tillerson makes hash out of our position on the Iran deal.
Could Democrats take the Senate? The odds are against them, but they have a shot.
It's no longer a completely crazy idea.
Libertarianism, selfishness, and public goods
Christopher Freiman argues that the combination of human selfishness and the need for public goods does not provide as strong a case for activist government as is often thought.
On health care, Cassidy flunks his own 'Jimmy Kimmel test'
Cassidy should look Kimmel in the eye and explain his about-face.
Saudi Arabia wasn't always this repressive. Now it's unbearable.
I'm raising my voice because we Saudis deserve better.
What if politicians tried treating voters like adults?
Time to level with voters
Yes, that's right, the 2020 election may already be almost decided
Decisions, decisions.
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
A pay raise from hell, a murderous man's murderous best man, and no more seizing defendants' untainted assets before trial.
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