Monday 18 September 2017

Evening Edition: Trump urges reforms at U.N., vows to be ‘partners in your work’

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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Trump urges reforms at U.N., vows to be 'partners in your work'
At the General Assembly opening session, President Trump said the world body has "not reached its full potential" in recent years because of a bloated bureaucracy and "mismanagement." The annual gathering of more than 150 international delegations will look for signs of how closely Trump aligns himself with the U.N. in the face of international challenges, including North Korea, Syria and Iran.
Trump pays tribute to the U.N., the military and everyday Americans by paying tribute to himself
Most of his social media posts — including two today to ostensibly honor anniversaries at the CIA and the Air Force — are just clips of him speaking. More than half the time, he is front and center, and he often references his business acumen.
Fact Checker • Analysis
Speaker Ryan's fuzzy math on the nation's 'terrible tax system'
The leading Republican's main criticism of the tax code is that companies in the United States are taxed at a much higher rate than businesses elsewhere.
Retropolis • The Past, Rediscovered
How Jane Fonda's 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname 'Hanoi Jane'
The actress-turned-activist was one of the most prominent faces of the antiwar movement, but an image of her with North Vietnamese troops on an antiaircraft gun — which would have been used against U.S. planes — is what turned her into a controversial figure.
When you watch a live performance, astonishing things happen to your brain
When we experience art, we feel connected to something larger. Why? Using brain-imaging and other tools of neuroscience, the new field of neuroaesthetics offers some explanations of how the mind behaves in the realm of the heart.
Intensifying Maria is a severe threat to the Caribbean and Puerto Rico
The strengthening Category 3 hurricane has the potential to cause widespread destruction along its path. Meanwhile, Jose is capable of producing coastal flooding and pockets of damaging wind from Delaware to Massachusetts.
What would a Russia-NATO war look like? Russia's war games are simulating it right now.
NATO expressed concern about the size of Russia's military exercises, which President Vladimir Putin was personally observing.
The Fix • Analysis
Protests in St. Louis have gone on for four days, but Trump hasn't acknowledged them
The president has found time to retweet a GIF of him hitting his 2016 presidential rival in the back with a golf ball, but not to make a statement on one of the key issues that shaped the presidential election.
White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people, new research says
Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers, Yale University researchers say in a paper published today.
The Fix • Analysis
What's the matter with the president's lawyers?
The latest incident of Trump attorneys discussing sensitive information in public is just part of a loose-lipped pattern.
A father put on a clown mask to punish his 6-year-old. Now he's charged with inducing panic.
The frightened child ran screaming into a stranger's car, then into a neighbor's apartment, Ohio police said.
U.S. jets drop live bombs in a massive show of force aimed at North Korea
Responding to Pyongyang's aggressions, the aircraft carried out a simulated attack on the Pilsung training range in South Korea, a few dozen miles from the demilitarized zone.

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