Sunday 5 March 2017

The Post Most: SNL imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the bus stop

SNL imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the bus stop; White House offers no evidence, seeks probe of ‘politically motivated investigation’ during 2016 campaign; ‘Go back to your own country': Sikh man shot in his driveway in suspected hate crime; Muslim students tried to meet with a lawmaker. They were first asked: ‘Do you beat your wife?’; Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slavery laws; I’ve worn ash on my head on ESPN for 16 years. This year was different.; Trump accuses Obama of 'Nixon/Watergate' wiretap — but offers no evidence; SNL has a blockbuster in search of a hero: The Republican who stands up to Trump; Things look bleak for liberals now. But they’ll beat Trump in the end.; Trump sons, planning expansion of family business, look to leverage campaign experience; Bill Maher’s interview with a Trump defender started out nice. Then Russia came up.; Pentagon plan to seize Raqqa calls for significant increase in U.S. participation; Jeff Sessions’s Worst Week in Washington; Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration, and it's not going away; Americans have lost faith in institutions. That’s not because of Trump or ‘fake news.’; After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize
Democracy Dies in Darkness
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SNL imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the bus stop
"Saturday Night Live" also recruited host Octavia Spencer for the sketch about the attorney general's rough week.
White House offers no evidence, seeks probe of ‘politically motivated investigation’ during 2016 campaign
The former director of national intelligence under Obama flatly denied that any wiretap of Trump or his campaign was carried out.
‘Go back to your own country': Sikh man shot in his driveway in suspected hate crime
It's the second attack authorities believe may be motivated by bigotry in as many weeks.
Muslim students tried to meet with a lawmaker. They were first asked: ‘Do you beat your wife?’
Three Muslim students who tried to meet Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett were handed a questionnaire that included "hateful, bigoted questions."
Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slavery laws
A lawsuit against one of the largest private prison operators in the country reached class-action status this week.
I’ve worn ash on my head on ESPN for 16 years. This year was different.
I guess I'm giving up silence for Lent.
Trump accuses Obama of 'Nixon/Watergate' wiretap — but offers no evidence
Trump claimed Obama tapped phones at Trump Tower. Obama's office says that's "simply false."
SNL has a blockbuster in search of a hero: The Republican who stands up to Trump
It's basically a liberal's dream sequence.
Things look bleak for liberals now. But they’ll beat Trump in the end.
He and his movement will fade, and the values and priorities of the left will eventually triumph.
Bill Maher’s interview with a Trump defender started out nice. Then Russia came up.
Jeffrey Lord has had several dust-ups while defending President Trump's policy positions.
Pentagon plan to seize Raqqa calls for significant increase in U.S. participation
The proposal would also arm the Kurds despite Turkey's strong objections.
Jeff Sessions’s Worst Week in Washington
Misremembering. Or something.
Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration, and it's not going away
The Session controversy shows the administration doesn't know what it doesn't know, leaving itself vulnerable to calls for more investigations.
Americans have lost faith in institutions. That’s not because of Trump or ‘fake news.’
Everything about modern life works against community and trust.
After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize
The returnees signify untapped potential but also face scarce job opportunities and uncertainty.
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