Sunday 5 March 2017

Evening Edition: White House calls for probe of Trump’s unproved claims as Obama spy official denies wiretapping

Trump relies on sketchy reports to back up claims of wiretapping; Aides are in a tough spot when asked to explain Trump's allegations; An adventurer went in search of a lost city. He found treasured artifacts — and a flesh-eating disease found him.; Thousands of immigrants claim they were forced into labor after being detained in U.S. ; SNL imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the bus stop; Putin destroyed Russia's independent press. Trump seems to want the same.; Pro-Trump rally in Berkeley turns violent as protesters clash with the president’s supporters; Russia dismisses sweeping corruption allegations against Prime Minister Medvedev; Pelosi punts on Democrat's tasteless joke about Kellyanne Conway; Surgeon who pioneered liver transplantation dies at 90; She live-streamed Philando Castile’s death. Now she’s accused of attacking someone with a hammer.; Elite law schools are tough to get into. But what if you're Tiffany Trump?; More people are adopting old dogs — really old dogs;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
White House calls for probe of Trump's unproved claims as Obama spy official denies wiretapping
Trump press secretary Sean Spicer referred to "potentially politically motivated investigations" without providing evidence. Former director of national intelligence, James Clapper, outright denied allegations that wiretaps were authorized against Donald Trump or his campaign during the Obama administration.
Fact Checker | Analysis
Trump relies on sketchy reports to back up claims of wiretapping
The White House cited five articles to justify its request for a congressional probe. But the stories depend on anonymous sources, and no U.S. news organization has confirmed the same information.
The Fix | Analysis
Aides are in a tough spot when asked to explain Trump's allegations
The press secretary said "no further comment" until after a congressional inquiry, but then another aide had a painfully awkward Sunday show exchange.
An adventurer went in search of a lost city. He found treasured artifacts — and a flesh-eating disease found him.
Author Douglas Preston is a seasoned traveler, and he thought he had prepared with shots and other precautions. But after trekking into ruins in a remote area of Honduras, he noticed a skin lesion that wouldn't heal. Several other explorers had the same symptom.
Thousands of immigrants claim they were forced into labor after being detained in U.S.
The lawsuit filed against one of the largest U.S. prison companies could involve as many as 60,000 immigrants. The original nine plaintiffs alleged that people detained at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in the Denver area are forced to work without pay — and that those who refuse are threatened with solitary confinement.
SNL imagines Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump at the bus stop
"Saturday Night Live" opened with Kate McKinnon playing Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a version of Tom Hanks's title role in "Forrest Gump," complete with riffs on classic lines from the 1994 movie.
Putin destroyed Russia's independent press. Trump seems to want the same.
Both leaders want a compliant press and are willing to take action to get it — some, of course, more extreme than others.
Pro-Trump rally in Berkeley turns violent as protesters clash with the president’s supporters
At least 10 people were arrested and seven injured Saturday, Berkeley police said, on a day that numerous pro-Trump rallies took place across the country.
Russia dismisses sweeping corruption allegations against Prime Minister Medvedev
Alexei Navalny, an activist who said he will run for president in 2018, released a report that accused Dmitry Medvedev of funneling more than $1 billion in bribes through companies and charities run by his associates.
The Fix | Analysis
Pelosi punts on Democrat's tasteless joke about Kellyanne Conway
The top House Democrat said she hadn't heard about the joke made Thursday by Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana.
Thomas Starzl | 1926–2017
Surgeon who pioneered liver transplantation dies at 90
Thomas Starzl performed the first liver transplant in 1963, then the first successful liver transplant in 1967. He also pioneered kidney transplantation from cadavers. He perfected the process by using identical twins and, eventually, other blood relatives as donors.
She live-streamed Philando Castile’s death. Now she’s accused of attacking someone with a hammer.
A victim accused Diamond Reynolds of beating her with a hammer until she was briefly unconscious. Another assailant allegedly sprayed the woman with bear mace.
Elite law schools are tough to get into. But what if you're Tiffany Trump?
The other first daughter is eyeing Harvard and Yale. Her name could be an asset — or not.
More people are adopting old dogs — really old dogs
Some see an advantage in getting a calmer, house-trained pet, while one organization that helps with adoptions says it envisions "a world where no old dog dies alone and afraid."
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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