Saturday 4 March 2017

Saturday's Headlines: White House seeks deep cuts for NOAA, a leading climate science agency

Despite early denials, a growing list of Trump campaign contacts with Russians haunts White House; Sessions's pick for deputy poised to oversee investigation into Russian interference in 2016 race; Analysis: How an old photo of Schumer and Putin went from right-wing meme to Trump's tweet; After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize; White House rift over import tax stalls broader overhaul effort;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
White House seeks deep cuts for NOAA, a leading climate science agency
The White House is seeking to slash the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's budget by 17 percent, imposing big cuts to research and satellite programs, according to a memo obtained by The Washington Post.
Despite early denials, a growing list of Trump campaign contacts with Russians haunts White House
The Trump team's early blanket denial has given way to explanations that the meetings were innocuous, ranging from polite introductions to routine diplomacy. Yet each new revelation adds to a cloud of suspicion that hangs over the White House as critics demand an independent investigation.
Sessions's pick for deputy poised to oversee investigation into Russian interference in 2016 race
Rod J. Rosenstein, the sole holdover U.S. attorney from the George W. Bush administration, is widely respected by Democrats and Republicans. His confirmation hearing for deputy attorney general is set for Tuesday.
Analysis: How an old photo of Schumer and Putin went from right-wing meme to Trump's tweet
An important analysis of a tweet from the president of the United States.
After decades in America, the newly deported return to a Mexico they barely recognize
As new Trump administration policies dramatically expand the pool of undocumented immigrants targeted for deportation, Mexico braces for an influx of men and women. The deportees return to face scarce job opportunities and uncertainty.
White House rift over import tax stalls broader overhaul effort
The divide over a proposed border adjustment tax has the potential to scuttle one of President Trump's top domestic agenda items — tax reform, which he views as key to boosting the economy. Republicans have clamored for the White House to help find a unified plan, to no avail.
Federal prosecutors have brought charges in cases far less serious than Sessions's
Trump's cuts would cripple the country's diplomats when we need them most
It's the Democrats' turn to take a tip from Republicans
There's no such thing as 'limited' nuclear war
The blessing inside my sister's Alzheimer's disease
Trumpism may fall in Europe
More News
Irish excavation confirms mass grave of babies at former home for unwed mothers
The discovery was spurred by the research of a local historian in Ireland who uncovered the truth about a home for unmarried mothers that was operated by Catholic nuns from 1925 to the 1960s.
Michelle Obama surprises D.C. students, talks struggles and life goals
When the former first lady walked into a classroom, the stunned students erupted in tears. Throughout a two-hour discussion, they asked how she met Barack, whether she would run for president and what she thought of Donald Trump.
With two young people killed, two more bodies found, police see rising gang threat in Northern Va.
Damaris A. Reyes Rivas was removed from a car by alleged MS-13 members and walked into the woods before being slashed with a bowie knife, people familiar with the case said.
Book Review
Trump tweeted that this new immigration book is a 'must read.' So I read it — and you must not.
COLUMN | If not for the president's endorsement, "Green Card Warrior" would barely rate a "must acknowledge." It is, however, a "must laugh," a "must groan" and, if it is where Trump is finding ideas for reform, a "you must be kidding me."
Uber reportedly used secret tool to evade and trick law enforcement
The report on Uber's covert activities is the latest blow for a company that has suffered a growing backlash in recent weeks.
Indian athlete who got high-level help for U.S. visa is accused of sexual assault
The office of Sen. Charles E. Schumer and the mayor of Saranac Lake, N.Y., intervened so that Tanveer Hussain could attend the world snowshoe championships. Hussain was arrested and charged with felony sexual abuse and child welfare endangerment in an alleged incident at the inn where he was staying.
Trump blames Democrats for Cabinet delays that are normal — and his own fault
"It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet," the president tweeted Friday morning. But he hasn't yet provided paperwork on two nominees.
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