Friday 3 March 2017

Evening Edition: Team Trump has a complex web of ties with Russia

Debrief: Trump's presidency can't shake Russia's shadow; 'A witch hunt': Moscow blames anti-Russian hysteria for Sessions's plight; Gold Star families split on whether Trump exploited a widow's grief; How Foxconn's broken promises in Pennsylvania cast doubt on Trump's jobs plan; Tillerson skips State Department's announcement on report of human rights; Yellen signals Fed will likely raise rates in March ; The latest bad news for Uber shows how far it's willing to go to get its way; Arnold Schwarzenegger quits 'Celebrity Apprentice' — and blames Trump for low ratings; Former journalist arrested, charged with threats against Jewish facilities; Trump just had his very own 'Is our children learning?' moment; Why Mike Pence’s private email account is way different from Hillary Clinton’s; European lawmakers threaten visa rules for Americans in spat over travel policies; Al-Qaeda likes Steve Bannon so much, they put him on the cover of their official newspaper; 'The Arrangement' is quite clear: It's a drama based on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes; My brother has Asperger's syndrome. Is it okay to drop him from my wedding?;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Team Trump has a complex web of ties with Russia
Three main Russian entities — Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, the Kremlin and Russian business interests — need to be evaluated in relation to the Trump network, starting with the president.
Debrief: Trump's presidency can't shake Russia's shadow
The Jeff Sessions saga placed President Trump in the position, for a second time, of vouching for one of his top appointees who has been caught not telling the full truth about conversations with Moscow's top man in Washington.
'A witch hunt': Moscow blames anti-Russian hysteria for Sessions's plight
The Kremlin's reaction pretty much mirrors that of President Trump's after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from any investigations into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. But Moscow and Trump, while sounding similar notes, are speaking in vastly different contexts.
Gold Star families split on whether Trump exploited a widow's grief
The president called attention Tuesday to Carryn Owens during his joint address to Congress. Some critics said he politicized the death of Owens's Navy SEAL husband for his own gain.
How Foxconn's broken promises in Pennsylvania cast doubt on Trump's jobs plan
The company known for making iPhones in China said it would invest $30 million and hire 500 workers for a new factory in central Pennsylvania. But the factory was never built, and the jobs never came.
Tillerson skips State Department's announcement on report of human rights
The secretary of state's absence from the release of the annual report broke with tradition. Critics said the decision for him not to personally unveil the report suggests the low priority the administration places on human rights.
Yellen signals Fed will likely raise rates in March
The Fed has long said it expects three rate increases this year, but until as recently as this week, Wall Street expected the increase in June.
The Switch | Analysis
The latest bad news for Uber shows how far it's willing to go to get its way
The company reportedly used secret technology to evade and trick law enforcement.
Arnold Schwarzenegger quits 'Celebrity Apprentice' — and blames Trump for low ratings
The former California governor blamed the show's "baggage" on its continued association with Trump, causing viewers to boycott, Schwarzenegger said.
Former journalist arrested, charged with threats against Jewish facilities
Juan Thompson, 31, was charged with cyberstalking for allegedly communicating threats to Jewish Community Centers to harass a woman. Officials said they don't think Thompson was responsible for all the calls made to Jewish centers nationwide or vandalism at Jewish cemeteries in three states.
The Fix | Analysis
Trump just had his very own 'Is our children learning?' moment
In a case of especially unfortunate timing, the president tweeted about how the American education system is failing our children in between two other tweets with a misspelling.
The Fix | Analysis
Why Mike Pence’s private email account is way different from Hillary Clinton’s
While there are some similarities between Pence and Clinton, it's not accurate to say they're the exact same. Here's a breakdown of four similarities between the private email accounts — and a whole bunch of differences.
European lawmakers threaten visa rules for Americans in spat over travel policies
The vote was a warning shot ahead of talks between American and European envoys on granting visa-free travel to all 28 E.U. nations.
WorldViews | Analysis
Al-Qaeda likes Steve Bannon so much, they put him on the cover of their official newspaper
The piece focused on the Trump chief strategist's views of Islam, saying he believes that "the forces of Islam cannot be stopped by peaceful means."
TV Review
'The Arrangement' is quite clear: It's a drama based on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
The series about a contract marriage is a thinly veiled spin on the whirlwind relationship between the two stars, which some speculate was arranged by the Church of Scientology.
Chat Transcript
My brother has Asperger's syndrome. Is it okay to drop him from my wedding?
The advice columnist takes your questions about the strange train we call life.
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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