Wednesday 6 September 2017

Wednesday's Opinions: The looming debt-ceiling crisis explained in plain English

Steve Jobs gave us President Trump; Apparently, it's illegal to laugh at Jeff Sessions
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The looming debt-ceiling crisis explained in plain English
Everything you need to know.
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Latest Columns
Steve Jobs gave us President Trump
The iPhone has vaporized traditional political gatekeepers.
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Apparently, it's illegal to laugh at Jeff Sessions
But his DACA announcement was part of a long line of absurdities.
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History shows us how calamitous the North Korea crisis could become
Wars often result from bellicose rhetoric and bad information.
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Have we reached a point of no return?
With a nuclear battle of nitwits and our attention flitting about at will, it seems worse is yet to come.
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How we can find common ground on health care
I'm happy Trumpcare failed. But now Congress has to act.
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When a red state gets the blues
Conservative, self-reliant Texas chose its fate. But now it wants the rest of us to bail it out?
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My fellow conservatives should protect medical marijuana from the government
Let's put federalism before drug cartels.
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Trump's tax-reform pitch is entirely divorced from reality
The argument that the United States must cut corporate taxes to spur job growth is nonsense.
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Editorial Cartoons
As bad as the political climate is, the actual climate is still worse Where there’s smoke …
There may be a connection. Mueller is examining a letter that Trump drafted the day before the president fired FBI Director James Comey for possible obstruction of justice.
The Post’s View
Trump's heartless decision
The president's move isn't just gratuitous and cruel. It's economically backward.
A welcome change of course from the Trump administration
"Reverse mortgages" divert resources from less affluent first-time home buyers to seniors who already own homes.
Montgomery County should approach council changes with care
The charter commission would be wise to remember the current system's hedges against parochialism.
Latest Blogs
Trade group bashes NRA: ‘It is un-American to threaten journalists’
NRA responds that it's merely pledging to hold media accountable.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Louisiana loses a champion of justice
For more than 60 years, Sam Dalton represented the accused, the indigent and the condemned.
Yes, in North Carolina you can sue someone for having sex with your spouse
A North Carolina appellate court has held that the torts of "alienation of affections" and "criminal conversation" are not unconstitutional.
Bannon’s grand, disruptive designs are only getting started
And the long-term consequences for the GOP are anyone's guess.
With DACA, Jeff Sessions bent Trump to his will — again
This marks the umpteenth time the greatness of America has been diminished by the "Make America Great Again" crowd.
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