Wednesday 6 September 2017

Politics: Obama calls President Trump's decision to end DACA 'wrong,' 'self-defeating' and 'cruel'

Harvey caused a chemical plant explosion. Is that the next face of climate change?
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Obama calls President Trump’s decision to end DACA ‘wrong,’ ‘self-defeating’ and ‘cruel’
"The action taken today isn't required legally. It's a political decision, and a moral question," former president Barack Obama said in a statement.
Harvey caused a chemical plant explosion. Is that the next face of climate change?
Scores of abandoned military bases worldwide will begin to leak toxic wastes as ice melts and sea levels rise. Who will pay for the cleanup?
The Trump administration’s claim that DACA ‘helped spur’ the 2014 surge of minors crossing the border
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Trump both claim a link between DACA and the 2014 surge of children, but the evidence is slim.
Senate leaders to vote on measure combining debt ceiling increase, hurricane relief
But conservative Republicans say any move on debt limit must be paired with spending cuts
Two senators aim to challenge Trump's transgender troops order in defense bill
The planned amendment will have to wait though, as another senator is holding up the defense bill until he is guaranteed a vote on an authorization for military force.
Trump and Republicans face 'a defining moment' on immigration
Decision about whether to grant legal status to "dreamers" could have far-reaching consequences for GOP.
House Intelligence Committee subpoenas DOJ, FBI for dossier documents
The committee's top Democrat, who objects to the move, confirmed it during a television interview.
Trump to sell tax cuts plan in North Dakota with a special guest: Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp
Heitkamp, who could face a difficult reelection challenge next year in a state Trump carried by 36 percentage points, may see a political advantage in being friendly with Trump and open to his ideas.
Democrats seek upper hand in DACA negotiations
With bipartisan support, congressional Democrats have a chance to pass a bill that would protect "dreamers."
Senate Judiciary's meeting with Trump Jr. scheduled for Thursday
Judiciary Committee members prepare to grill the first member of Trump's inner circle, as the Senate Intel chairman predicts wrapping up probe by year's end.
'We are America': DACA recipients, supporters say they are not going anywhere
"Dreamers" say President Trump and his administrations should be ashamed as they cancel deportation protections and work permits for those brought here as children.
Trump administration announces end of immigration protection program for ‘dreamers’
The president's decision puts pressure on Congress to determine the fate of nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who have been issued work permits
McConnell to raise money for Strange — even as Strange bucks him on key Senate rule
The senator from Alabama is suddenly at odds with McConnell over the legislative filibuster. But he is still accepting McConnell's help on the fundraising circuit.
Democrats and others tie DACA and Charlottesville issues in denouncements of Trump
Democratic members of Congress say the decision to end DACA is just the latest indication that the president is catering to white supremacists.
Trump’s evangelical advisers claim credit for six-month delay on rescinding DACA
"We are responsible for this extension is offering. That's our work," said Tony Suarez, executive vice president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.
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