Thursday 14 September 2017

Thursday's Opinions: How miserable it must be to be a progressive

Trump's voter-fraud propagandist cooks up extremely fuzzy math; Sessions wants a leak investigation rule-change. That could cripple the free press.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Little, Brown
How miserable it must be to be a progressive
A novel about Brooklyn is a glimpse of how arduous life is for the incontinently conscientious.
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Latest Columns
Trump's voter-fraud propagandist cooks up extremely fuzzy math
Kris Kobach's op-ed for Breitbart made absurd leaps.
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Sessions wants a leak investigation rule-change. That could cripple the free press.
We wrote the current rules, and they work.
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The Democrats have become socialists
Bernie Sanders rolled out his Medicare for All plan and was supported by 16 of his Senate Democratic colleagues.
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The fishing wars are coming
China's fishing tactics are leading to global conflict. Are we ready to confront it?
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Katy Tur's must-ride roller coaster of a memoir
2016 really did happen that way. We aren't all crazy. It was that crazy.
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Jim Obergefell: Edie Windsor, my hero and my friend
In her fight for equality, she helped others turn their possibilities into reality.
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The Olympics used to feature art competitions. Let's bring them back.
Paris and Los Angeles are the two most successful organizers of the long-lost Olympic art competitions.
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The growing black-white wage gap is unexplained — and scary
A new study examines five possible explanations.
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Hillary Clinton still doesn't get 'what happened' in the 2016 election
Working-class voters had legitimate grievances that Democrats ignored.
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Why DeVos's position on campus sexual assault is flawed
The Education Department must not abandon the effort to purge our colleges of the scourge of sexual violence.
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Editorial Cartoons
The GOP is still wrestling with consent issues The real picture of the Trump presidency
Does 'like' mean 'don't like,' or 'kind-of like'? Federal buildings are still waiting for official photographs of the president and vice president.
The Post’s View
The Senate finally does what it failed to do for a decade and a half
A vote shows new appetite for reforming the government's authorization to fight terrorism abroad.
The Justice Department goes out of its way to side against a gay couple
Supporting the baker in an upcoming Supreme Court case is an attempt to turn back the clock.
Should assaulting a Metrobus driver be a felony?
An attack against a bus driver puts not only the driver but also everyone else on the bus at risk.
Latest Blogs
Memo to Sarah Huckabee Sanders: You don’t decide who gets fired in the U.S. media
The truth about this president is harsh. Sometimes that gets reflected on Twitter.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Can the GOP survive Trump?
Finding a way to persuade the volatile president to become a benefit to the GOP rather than its gadfly should be job No. 1 for a sizable portion of the Republican leadership.
Will America finally wise up to the Russian media war on our democracy?
A new report paints a disturbing and alarming picture of a new kind of threat.
‘Chuck and Nancy’ should bring these three suggestions to dinner
They could give Trump the deals he craves.
The enormous power of prosecutors
More than any other public officials, prosecutors have the power to reduce mass incarceration. But they probably won't.
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