Thursday 14 September 2017

Politics: Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save 'dreamers' from deportation

Two senators, a piano and a harmonica: The key to bipartisan harmony?
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save ‘dreamers’ from deportation
The president discussed the deal during a dinner with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
Two senators, a piano and a harmonica: The key to bipartisan harmony?
Sens. Lamar Alexander and Tim Kaine are set to perform Friday in a town that straddles their home states.
As the death toll climbs in Sudan, officials shy away from the ‘cholera’ label
The U.S. Embassy says people are dying from cholera, but WHO, USAID and Sudan's leaders hide behind a more benign-sounding phrase.
Trump's diehard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on 'dreamers'
"Put a fork in Trump. He is done."
'A new strategy' for Trump? Democrats cautious but encouraged by fresh outreach.
The president appears to believe the GOP can't get billed passed by itself and agreed Wednesday to work with Democrats on a "dreamer" fix.
Sanders offers possible tax hikes that could pay for universal Medicare
Sanders's office released a white paper on possible ways to pay for the legislation, which includes taxes on both employers and employees.
Kushner's White House role 'crushed' efforts to woo investors for NYC tower
A Fifth Avenue office building is more than quarter empty and losing money, and a $1.2 billion loan is due in 2019.
McConnell wants to end practice of allowing senators to block appeals court judges
The Senate GOP leader would leave the practice in place for U.S. District Court judges, but Democrats still object to the move
After @tedcruz liked a porn tweet, Sen. Ted Cruz blamed it on a staffer’s ‘honest mistake’
"It was not me, and it's not going to happen again," Cruz said.
Trump, Ryan offer differing timelines on legislation to protect 'dreamers'
The disconnect comes as the president invites key Democrats to discuss immigration, health care.
Sen. Tim Scott, White House offer conflicting accounts of private talk about Charlottesville
Scott said afterward that he reaffirmed his belief that Trump's response to the deadly white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville last month was not satisfactory. Trump's top spokeswoman offered a different account.
White House, Republican leaders plan to reveal tax cut details in two weeks
GOP leaders implore lawmakers to reach a budget agreement that could smooth passage of the party's tax reform plan.
Mining safety agency proposes relaxing inspection rule for hard rock mines
Industry hails greater flexibility, while union officials warn it could jeopardize worker safety.
Trump will sign bipartisan resolution condemning Charlottesville violence, White House says
"He looks forward to doing so as soon as he receives it," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Sept. 13.
White House: ESPN’s Jemele Hill should be fired for calling Trump a ‘white supremacist’
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says the tweets from the popular ESPN host were "outrageous."
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