Saturday 2 September 2017

The Post Most: ‘This is crazy,’ sobs Utah hospital nurse as cop roughs her up, arrests her for doing her job

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The Post Most
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'This is crazy,' sobs Utah hospital nurse as cop roughs her up, arrests her for doing her job
Police video shows the moment Detective Jeff Payne snapped at nurse Alex Wubbels after she told him hospital policy barred him from collecting blood samples without a warrant or patient consent.
The Fix • Analysis
Two top Trump advisers were asked why they don't quit. Their answers speak volumes.
Both Jim Mattis and Gary Cohn make clear they're holding their noses and serving something bigger than Trump.
I was born in poverty in Appalachia. 'Hillbilly Elegy' doesn't speak for me.
Vance's sweeping stereotypes are shark bait for conservative policymakers.
Mueller examining Trump's draft letter firing FBI Director Comey
The document helps show the president's state of mind before the key termination.
The deal Trump wanted with Russia
It represented something much more disturbing, even unpatriotic.
After Harvey, the Trump administration reconsiders flood rules it just rolled back
The Obama-era rules were intended to reduce the risks posed by flooding, and established new construction standards for roads, housing and other infrastructure projects that receive federal dollars.
Why most evangelicals don't condemn Trump
They see him as a fellow sinner battling back against the forces of the establishment.
The Fix • Analysis
Trump threatened to bury his DACA decision. He put neon lights on it, instead.
The president will make the call on Tuesday, giving the public and the press almost a full business week to pick it apart.
Arts and Entertainment • Analysis
The 10 late-night TV moments that defined the summer of 2017
Late-night is typically more relaxed during the summer months. This year was different.
The Fix • Analysis
Bob Mueller has an unreleased Trump letter about firing James B. Comey. Here's why that's big.
A potentially key piece of evidence.
Boy, 7, was tortured to death and fed to pigs. State agencies failed him, says lawsuit.
The father and stepmother of Adrian Jones, 7, are serving life prison sentences for murdering him.
How water damages a flooded house — and which parts can be saved
Floods can leave thousands of homes beyond repair, but many can be saved.
John McCain: It's time Congress returns to regular order
Our shared values define us more than our differences. Lawmakers should heed that lesson.
In a flooded Texas subdivision, the hard slog of rebuilding begins
They were promised "affordable luxury." But when they returned to their custom homes on Lynnwood Drive, they found rotting carpet, ruined drywall and the stench of sewage.
Football's enjoyment is on a fade pattern
Never again will it be the subject of uncomplicated national enthusiasm.
GOP leaders add their voices to the chorus calling for DACA program to stay
The president's decision on the Obama-era immigration program is expected Tuesday.

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