Saturday 2 September 2017

Saturday's Headlines: GOP leaders join clamor to retain ‘dreamers’ program for immigrants

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
GOP leaders join clamor to retain 'dreamers' program for immigrants
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and other Republicans urged President Trump not to rescind the Obama-era program that has allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants to stay in the country legally. Some fear his decision, expected Tuesday, could be damaging for the party.
Mueller studies letter drafted by Trump days before firing Comey
The document has new significance in the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is studying it as he considers whether Trump obstructed justice by firing James B. Comey from the FBI, according to people with knowledge of the investigation.
The Fix: Mueller has Trump's letter explaining why he fired Comey. Here's why that's big.
The White House counsel called the letter "problematic." The big question is why it was problematic, and whether it's because the letter explicitly cites the Russia investigation as a reason for James Comey's firing.
Trump pulls back threat to shut down government over border wall — for now
Shortly after Trump made the threat, White House officials quietly notified Congress that the funds would not need to be in a "continuing resolution" that was meant to fund the government for the short term, a senior GOP congressional aide said.
In Harvey's wake, a crippled water system, a chemical plant blaze and prolonged misery
Residents with no running water were unable to flush toilets, desperate for basic sanitation and fearful for their health. Meanwhile a massive fire at the Arkema chemical plant northeast of Houston sent up a black tower of acrid smoke. Company officials said there was nothing they could do to stop 19.5 tons of volatile chemicals from igniting.
In 'affordable luxury' subdivision, residents return to rotting carpet and stench of sewage
Residents of one Texas neighborhood were optimistic about making their homes livable again. But the work might take weeks or months, and for at least one home, there would be no recovery.
White House requests almost $7.9 billion in Harvey aid
White House Office of Management and budget director Mick Mulvaney also called on Congress to raise the government's debt ceiling immediately.
The deal Trump wanted with Russia
Why most evangelicals don't condemn Trump
Celebrate Labor Day by supporting national paid family leave
Liberals and conservatives must stand together against the extremes
A small, human disaster close at hand
Another victory for voting rights
More News
Donald Trump Jr. is getting $100,000 for university speech sponsored by GOP donor's company
Dallas tax consultant G. Brint Ryan, whose company is sponsoring the speaking series, said private donations are covering the costs of the appearance by the president's son. The fee is as much as double what he appeared to have sought on the lecture circuit before this year.
As NAFTA talks resume, Mexicans say Trump is wrong to focus on trade deficit
The second round of NAFTA renegotiation discussions opens amid growing concerns of a U.S. pullout. In response to warnings from President Trump, the Mexican government has said it would walk away from the table if he starts the process to scrap the trade agreement.
German court set to throw out case against Nazi guard as time runs short for Auschwitz trials
The case involving former SS medic Hubert Zafke could be one of Germany's last such trials, with investigators finding it harder to find new suspects who are still alive, and legal obstacles hampering extensive prosecutions for too long.
Obituaries • 1925–2017
Influential comedian who later acted alongside Larry David dies at 92
Grammy-winning comic Shelley Berman inspired a younger generation and appeared in "Curb Your Enthusiasm."
Hundreds are dead in Burma as the Rohingya crisis explodes again
The escalating death toll follows reports that tens of thousands more Rohingya Muslims have been displaced in the conflict.
How Jake Butt of the Denver Broncos found a natural sponsor: Charmin
Marketers have seized on the opportunity to pair athletes who have unique names with otherwise unlikely product endorsements.
The 10 late-night TV moments that defined the summer of 2017
TV hosts admit that a chaotic news cycle has changed the way they approach their shows. Here's a look back at some of their best moments this summer — from searing political commentary to hilarious celebrity interviews.

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