Tuesday 5 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: With DACA, Jeff Sessions bent Trump to his will — again

Business finds out there are more important things than tax cuts
Opinions P.M.
With DACA, Jeff Sessions bent Trump to his will — again
This marks the umpteenth time the greatness of America has been diminished by the "Make America Great Again" crowd.
Business finds out there are more important things than tax cuts
Trump's philosophy is rejected by American business.
Rescinding DACA is a test for the GOP
We either have laws or we don't. We can't make them up on the fly. If Republicans cower and punt, we will get what we deserve at the ballot box.
Like with DACA, Trump may leave Iran nuclear deal's fate to Congress
Nikki Haley says the Iran deal is flawed but it's up to Congress to decide whether to kill it. That's a recipe for confusion.
How we can find common ground on health care
I'm happy Trumpcare failed. But now Congress has to act.
Three GOP dodges on DACA no one should fall for
Republicans show no sign of urgency.
Can Congress save the ‘dreamers’? It’s going to be awfully tricky.
It can be done, but Republicans will have to risk angering their base.
When a red state gets the blues
Conservative, self-reliant Texas chose its fate. But now it wants the rest of us to bail it out?
Eugene Robinson Live (Sept. 5)
Eugene Robinson discussed his latest columns and political news.
Sean Spicer will be paid to speak, again
But announcing a new career as a public speaker could prove that the Trump White House is no gateway to big things.
Trump’s latest empty threat on North Korea
Less Trump, more serious engagement with China
‘Dreamers’ try to dream the American Dream, but then …
You'll never guess who showed up.
Opinion: Ending DACA is President Trump's most evil act
By canceling DACA, President Trump is attempting to endear himself to his shrinking base, says Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin. He knows the only thing that truly "energizes the dead-enders is vengeance fueled by white grievance."
And Trump didn’t have the nerve to make the announcement himself
Trump hides behind Sessions's skirts
The looming debt-ceiling crisis explained in plain English
Everything you need to know.
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