Thursday 14 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: Equifax doesn’t owe anyone anything. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Ken Burns "The Vietnam War" PBS documentary tries to unite America under Trump
Opinions P.M.
Justin Lane / EPA-EFE
Equifax doesn't owe anyone anything. But it doesn't have to be this way.
Judges should use common law to rectify this egregious incident.
Ken Burns "The Vietnam War" PBS documentary tries to unite America under Trump
For the past four decades, the documentarian Ken Burns has been trying to give Americans shared experiences of some of the most difficult moments in our history. Now, he's tackling one of the most challenging periods in our recent past: the Vietnam War. And he's doing it at a time when audiences have never been more divided, and less interested in what they have in common.
Let’s dispense with the spin about coming GOP tax cuts for the rich
They shouldn't be allowed to get away with vague talk about "growth" and "jobs."
‘Fox & Friends’ host tests border-wall flip-flop line for Trump: It’s ‘symbolic’
It looks as though both "Fox & Friends" as well as its No. 1 viewer need to figure out their position on the wall.
China’s thought police are giving a master class in censorship
Ahead of a key Communist Party meeting, Beijing launches a massive crackdown on potential avenues of dissent.
The administration’s Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI must go
Dumping Mnuchin would please a lot of people.
A certain remorseless force has rendered the landscape badly scrambled
And worse than ever.
Democrats don’t need their own snake oil salesman
Please, Dems, don't repeat the GOP's errors.
Sean Spicer still doesn’t understand facts
Says his job was to represent the 'president's voice,' even when that voice was spewing falsehoods.
Trump’s ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep him’ moment
Is the president lying again?
The sudden popularity of single-payer means that Obama won the health-care debate
The real diagnosis.
Trump’s latest tweetstorm signals major concessions may lie ahead
No wonder the immigration hard-liners are screaming bloody murder about it.
Another Flynn is in trouble while Trump doubles down on impeachable behavior
Trump's problems multiply on three fronts.
Morning links: New database tracks cops arrested, accused of crimes
Plus: Campus rape tribunals have a race problem; the Supreme Court gets another chance to correct the record about sex offenders; and pot use among minors continues to fall.
Trump’s fickleness frightens his base — and could doom tax reform
Trump doesn't know or care what's in a deal.
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