Thursday 14 September 2017

Evening Edition: GOP’s Ryan dismisses potential DACA deal between Trump and Democrats

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
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GOP's Ryan dismisses potential DACA deal between Trump and Democrats
The House speaker said any deal brokered with the Democrats would have to go through the GOP-controlled Congress. "I think the president understands he has to work with the congressional majorities to get any kind of legislative solution," Paul D. Ryan said at a news conference on Capitol Hill.
Conservatives unleash anger over Trump's willingness to pursue deal
The torrent represented the first major break of President Trump's devoted base from him on a core issue, with some allies openly mocking the president.
Trump administration to slash funding to some ACA navigator groups by up to 85 percent
Congressional Democrats and some Republicans from rural states said the deep cuts would undermine any effort to help consumers get insurance coverage once open enrollment begins on Nov. 1. Department of Health and Human Services officials said the outreach effort wasted taxpayers' money.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft will soon crash into Saturn — its final screaming success
What you should know about the end of the extraordinarily successful mission, which discovered two potentially habitable worlds and changed our understanding of the sixth planet from the sun.
TV Review: Yes, America, PBS's 'The Vietnam War' is required viewing — all 18 hours of it
This is the real stuff. Even now, as we still elect leaders who are old enough to need to explain their whereabouts in the Vietnam years, the subject remains an argumentative, open fissure in American society. Ken Burns and Lynn Novick deliver a masterful work of history and catharsis.
The Fix • Analysis
In Florida, Trump rights the ship on the Empathy Thing
A president who dismisses the media's narratives about him seems to have consumed one of those narratives and sought to end it. And he actually looked pretty comfortable doing so, albeit with some very Trump moments.
North Korea's latest nuclear test was so powerful it reshaped the mountain above it
New radar images show that the Sept. 3 nuclear test altered the topography of the mountain above the tunnel where the test likely took place.
'Blinded by the warrior equipment': 128 years after discovery, Viking skeleton identified as a woman
The ancient bones in Sweden were buried with items of war, leading archaeologists to assume the subject was male. But recent DNA tests showed otherwise, offering the first genetic proof that at least some Viking women were warriors.
U.S. extends waivers from Iran sanctions, but adds new penalties
The United States on Thursday waived nuclear-related sanctions on Iran but slapped new ones on 11 companies and individuals linked to the country's ballistic missile program and cyberattacks on U.S. companies.
This Silicon Valley start-up wants to replace lawyers with robots
Twitch founder Justin Kan's newest company, Atrium, is trying to build technology that would automate routine corporate legal tasks, such as issuing stock options to employees.
Irish champion greyhound tests positive for cocaine
The owner and trainer of Clonbrien Hero denied they intentionally gave him drugs and are blaming accidental ingestion. But the head of an industry watchdog group has a less innocent theory. 
Early Lead • Analysis
As the White House calls for her firing, ESPN's Jemele Hill addresses the 'elephant in the room'
The "SportsCenter" host says she was just expressing her "personal beliefs" in calling President Trump a white supremacist, but the debate is already raging.

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