Friday 8 September 2017

Friday's Opinions: Trump’s betrayal of the Republican leaders should surprise no one

This is the DACA deal Congress should make; Tillerson is working with China and Russia — very, very quietly
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Kevin Lamarque / Reuters
Trump's betrayal of the Republican leaders should surprise no one
The Democrats must be cautious with Trump now working with them.
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Latest Columns
This is the DACA deal Congress should make
Congress could reclaim its constitutional role by working out a compromise.
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Tillerson is working with China and Russia — very, very quietly
Out of the spotlight, the secretary of state seems to be crafting a broad strategy aimed at stabilizing the situations in North Korea, Syria and Ukraine.
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Trump knocks out an awful Fed chair contender — for an awful reason
Gary Cohn appears to be too anti-Nazi for the president to stomach.
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Stop being afraid of more government. It's exactly what we need.
Government is crucial to responding to disasters, but we need government to mitigate these kinds of crises in the first place.
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Schumer and Pelosi just totally suckered Trump
Short-term debt-ceiling extensions are a brilliant — but risky — weapon.
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Journalist, heal thyself
Detachment about the president and his actions — genuine objectivity — is rare and getting rarer.
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Congress keeps holding military funding hostage. That's a recipe for disaster.
The military branches are all struggling with funding and personnel shortages. It's Congress's duty to fix that.
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How to fix America's broken flood insurance scheme
The National Flood Insurance Program could learn a thing or two from Obamacare.
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Americans brought back New Orleans. They can do the same for Houston.
National service has the power to transform cities — and the country.
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Editorial Cartoons
Latest tracking map for our unnatural disaster Capitol Hill karma
There is no category for this. After selling their souls, the Republican leadership gets double-crossed by President Trump.
The Post’s View
Trump's deal with the Democrats saves us from disaster — but not for long
The debt-ceiling agreement puts tough budget decisions off for three months; a long-term solution is something to work toward.
Another cyberattack alarm is going off. We need to start paying attention.
Electric and industrial operators need to prepare for a new cyberthreat that could take aim at the U.S. power grid.
School officials should decide how long summer vacation is — not Larry Hogan
There are serious consequences, especially for low-income students, of Maryland's extended break from school.
Latest Blogs
Appeals court rejects Trump’s enforcement of travel ban order against grandparents and refugees with formal resettlement assurances
The Ninth Circuit ruled against Trump's effort to apply his travel ban to exclude refugees, grandparents, and other close relatives of residents of the US.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Afternoon links: Report says 2017 on pace for second-lowest crime rate since 1990
Plus: NFL defensive end says he was assaulted by Las Vegas police, Philly police union leader disparages BLM, and Louisiana DA charges woman because her sons commit too many crimes.
The hollowing out of the federal workforce
Making government crummy again.
New York Times standards editor: Menendez ‘Democrat’ omission was a ‘dumb mistake’
Newspaper faces always-tough issue of how to politically categorize people, institutions.
The Republicans aren’t just losing. Big government is winning.
Turns out the public doesn't want to dismantle government, especially in the face of natural disasters.
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