Friday 8 September 2017

Friday's Headlines: Republicans alarmed by Trump making deals with Democrats

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
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Republicans alarmed by Trump making deals with Democrats
After 48 hours in which the president repeatedly made overtures to the opposing party, multiple Republican senators and aides revealed a sense of helplessness as he flouted their plans. Democrats moved carefully amid the GOP tensions and said Trump's favor could be fleeting.
Debt-ceiling reversal is a remarkable political evolution for Trump
As a candidate, he agreed with the long-standing GOP position that the debt limit should go up only if other steps are taken to restrain the size of government. As president, he's agreed to a plan that no longer requires Congress to raise the limit.
Massive quake off Mexico's coast felt for hundreds of miles
At least six people died in the earthquake, which was felt as far as Mexico City, more than 600 miles from the epicenter in southern Mexico. President Enrique Peña Nieto described it as the country's strongest quake in a hundred years. 
Data of 143 million Americans exposed in hack of credit reporting agency Equifax
Three company executives sold large amounts of stock in the days after the breach was discovered in July. Hackers gained access to files that included sensitive personal data such as Social Security numbers and birth dates.
Florida braces for a direct hit from Irma with the 'potential to catastrophically devastate our state'
Gov. Rick Scott implored people to evacuate ahead of a storm that has been ravaging the Caribbean islands and could inflict massive destruction not seen in Florida since Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
'It's like someone with a lawn mower from the sky has gone over the island'
Tiny islands including St. Martin, St. Barthelemy and Barbuda, 95 percent of which sustained damage, were lashed by powerful winds and have little time to regroup before Hurricane Jose arrives on Saturday.
Triple threat: Hurricanes Jose, Katia to join Irma in striking land this weekend
Jose, which formed as a tropical storm on Wednesday, was intensifying in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is following on a similar path as Irma and could hit some of the same small islands.
Trump's betrayal of the Republican leaders should surprise no one
Stop being afraid of more government. It's exactly what we need.
Trump knocks out an awful Fed chair contender for an awful reason
Tillerson is working with China and Russia — very, very quietly
This is the DACA deal Congress should make
Trump's deal with the Democrats saves us from disaster. But not for long.
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WorldViews • Analysis
Another North Korean holiday? Time for another missile launch.
Saturday is the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and its neighbors are bracing for the rogue country to celebrate in a classic North Korean way: by testing its nuclear and missile program.
Rep. Charlie Dent, outspoken GOP moderate, will not seek reelection
The retirement of the seven-term member will force Republicans to defend a third open seat in a swing district in a difficult midterm election cycle.
What does Trump really want for the 'dreamers'?
With The Post's David Nakamura, we talk to John Sandweg, former Immigration and Customs Enforcement acting director about policy. Plus, a dreamer in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program shares her story.
Making Kaepernick: How the QB without a team became the NFL's most talked-about man
Colin Kaepernick is not exactly a football player and not quite an activist. He is a biracial man who grew up in a white family, a child of privilege who became a warrior for social justice, an introspective soul on very public stages.
This woman drove her injured boyfriend to the hospital — then claims she was attacked by police
In a lawsuit filed against police in Aurora, Colo., OyZhana Williams claims officers tackled, choked and stomped her after she refused to hand over her keys for an unlawful car seizure at a hospital where her boyfriend was being treated.
Trump Jr. says he can't recall White House role in explaining meeting with Russians
The president's son told the Senate panel that he consulted with a Russian lawyer because she offered information on Hillary Clinton.
In major Supreme Court case, Justice Dept. sides with baker who refused to make wedding cake for gay couple
The government argued that the Colorado baker's cakes are a form of expression and he cannot be compelled to use his talents for something that conflicts with his religious beliefs.

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