Tuesday 7 March 2017

Politics: Trump's First 100 Days: 'Muslim ban' vs. 'immigration pause'

Sponsored by ExxonMobil | Trump and Republicans see a ‘deep state’ foe: Barack Obama; Trump’s claim that immigrants cost taxpayers ‘many billions of dollars a year’; Trump’s First 100 Days: ‘Muslim ban’ vs. ‘immigration pause’; House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare; Here are the photos that show Obama’s inauguration crowd was bigger than Trump’s; Justice Department nominee at center of partisan battle over Russia allegations; Trump’s claim that ‘more than 300′ refugees are the subject of counterterrorism investigations; Racial bias in the jury room can violate a defendant's right to a fair trial, Supreme Court says; Carson emphasizes fairness in first remarks to HUD staff, warning there will be ‘no favorites for anybody, no extra’; Guys, it’s starting to seem like maybe there isn’t a magic bullet for winning campaigns; The new politics of immigration seem certain to shrink international tourism to the U.S.; GOPers say they want to punish alleged sexual predators in government. Ryan Zinke has a test case.; The full text of the Trump administration’s new travel ban executive order; State Department press briefing canceled because of travel order;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump’s First 100 Days: ‘Muslim ban’ vs. ‘immigration pause’
Also: The House GOP releases its health-care bill, and Sean Spicer wants tweets to speak for themselves.
White House aides struggle to defend Trump wiretap claims
"I'm just going to let the tweet speak for itself," press secretary Sean Spicer says.
Trump and Republicans see a ‘deep state’ foe: Barack Obama
"Trump confounds these people because he's always a step or two ahead," Rush Limbaugh told his listeners on Monday.
Trump’s claim that immigrants cost taxpayers ‘many billions of dollars a year’
Trump took one line out of a 500-page report, and totally skewed the intricate findings.
House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare
With income-based tax credits, the GOP is considering an approach to health care it has long been against.
Here are the photos that show Obama’s inauguration crowd was bigger than Trump’s
The photos are the official record of the federal government and seem to contradict Trump's claim that more than 1.5 million supporters crowded onto the National Mall to watch the president take the oath of office.
Justice Department nominee at center of partisan battle over Russia allegations
Democrats are poised to grill Rod J. Rosenstein, Trump's nominee for deputy attorney general, over how the department will investigate Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 election.
Trump’s claim that ‘more than 300′ refugees are the subject of counterterrorism investigations
It's irresponsible for the administration to tout this number repeatedly without any context.
Racial bias in the jury room can violate a defendant's right to a fair trial, Supreme Court says
Prejudice among jurors may require examining the usual secrecy that surrounds deliberations, the majority of justices say.
Carson emphasizes fairness in first remarks to HUD staff, warning there will be ‘no favorites for anybody, no extra’
Carson lauded career civil servants at HUD who he said have shown a dedication to "really helping the downtrodden" but gave few insights into how he will approach public assistance programs.
Guys, it’s starting to seem like maybe there isn’t a magic bullet for winning campaigns
Cambridge Analytica isn't going to hand you the White House.
The new politics of immigration seem certain to shrink international tourism to the U.S.
International tourism contributed 1.1 percent of the country's GDP in 2015.
GOPers say they want to punish alleged sexual predators in government. Ryan Zinke has a test case.
On his first day in office last week, the Interior secretary got a report that a top law enforcement officer sexually harassed six women.
The full text of the Trump administration’s new travel ban executive order
The order revises language on exceptions for green-card holders and does not ban travelers from Iraq.
State Department press briefing canceled because of travel order
Announcement of revised White House restrictions on travel from six Muslim-majority nations delays restart of once-regular briefings.
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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