Monday 6 March 2017

Opinions P.M.: Republicans are becoming Russia’s accomplices

The attack on Jeff Sessions is part of the new McCarthyism; At the root of Trump’s new fury: Total contempt for American democracy; Democrats' hypocrisy on Medicaid reform; President Trump does the right thing for once — and here's why it's incredibly ironic; Republicans reveal how badly they misunderstand America; Trump has everybody running in circles. How does he do it?; ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ proved you could save the world and still hit the mall; Bannon pulls Trump’s strings, with dangerous results; Trump just signed his new travel ban. Here’s what it’s really about.; Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions; Act Four Live: Pop culture with Alyssa Rosenberg (Mar. 6); Justice Thomas sharply criticizes civil forfeiture laws; Will Comey’s request push Trump over the edge?; Will Baude receives Paul M. Bator Award;
Opinions P.M.
Win Mcnamee / Getty Images
Republicans are becoming Russia's accomplices
By running interference for Putin's interference, they expose us to further election meddling.
The attack on Jeff Sessions is part of the new McCarthyism
Some in the media need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
At the root of Trump’s new fury: Total contempt for American democracy
We need a new vocabulary to describe what we're seeing here.
Democrats' hypocrisy on Medicaid reform
When Bill Clinton proposed per-capita spending caps, they were singing a different tune.
President Trump does the right thing for once — and here's why it's incredibly ironic
Don't look now, but the Trump White House just conceded that we need to win over Muslims to beat the jihadists.
Republicans reveal how badly they misunderstand America
What does it take to be an American?
Trump has everybody running in circles. How does he do it?
Quite a head fake.
‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ proved you could save the world and still hit the mall
Joss Whedon's iconic show argued that its titular hero didn't have to give up being a girl in order to save humanity.
Bannon pulls Trump’s strings, with dangerous results
Trump's Iago hastens the president's downfall.
Trump just signed his new travel ban. Here’s what it’s really about.
Security from terrorism? Not by a long shot.
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Supreme Court harangues, a Charlton Heston harangue, and the case of the back seat that wasn't all that messy.
Act Four Live: Pop culture with Alyssa Rosenberg (Mar. 6)
A chat about the best and worst in pop culture and why the stories we love mean so much to us.
Justice Thomas sharply criticizes civil forfeiture laws
"This system -- where police can seize property with limited judicial oversight and retain it for their own use -- has led to egregious and well-chronicled abuses."
Will Comey’s request push Trump over the edge?
What happens when the president loses it?
Will Baude receives Paul M. Bator Award
The award by the Federalist Society is "given annually to a young academic (under 40) who has demonstrated excellence in legal scholarship, a commitment to teaching, a concern for students, and ... a significant public impact."
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