Saturday 4 March 2017

Evening Edition: Obama spokesman calls Trump’s claim of wiretapping during campaign ‘simply false’

Trump says he was subjected to 'McCarthyism.' But his mentor helped enforce those tactics.; I’ve worn ash on my head on ESPN for 16 years. This year was different.; Why Schumer meeting with Putin doesn't give Trump or his associates a pass; The Take: Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration; He dropped his daughter off at a Los Angeles school. Minutes later, immigration agents took him away.; Chao says U.S. drivers may face more tolls to raise infrastructure funds; ISIS militants accused of using 'blistering chemical agent' in attacks in Mosul; Irish excavation confirms mass grave of babies at former home for unwed mothers; Illinois congressman uses offensive term to describe raucous town halls; Schwarzenegger fires back after Trump claims he was fired from 'The Apprentice'; Disney put a 'gay moment' in 'Beauty and the Beast' — so one theater won't show it; A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college. He left fleeing an angry mob.; John Ross kind of calls his shot, then runs fastest-ever 40 at NFL combine;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Obama spokesman calls Trump's claim of wiretapping during campaign 'simply false'
President Trump, citing no evidence, alleged a "Nixon/Watergate" plot by his predecessor to wiretap Trump Tower in the run-up to the election. "Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen," an Obama spokesman said. Trump amended his public schedule to add a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly at Mar-a-Lago, where he is spending the weekend. Chief strategist Stephen Bannon and chief of staff Reince Priebus did not immediately travel to Florida after the president fumed at senior staff Friday about the attorney general's decision to recuse himself from any Justice Department probe of Russia.
The Fix | Analysis
Trump says he was subjected to 'McCarthyism.' But his mentor helped enforce those tactics.
Roy Cohn, who met Donald Trump in the 1970s, was Joseph McCarthy's sidekick in the 1940s and '50s — when the GOP senator sought to weed out alleged communist spies and sympathizers.
Acts of Faith | Perspective
I’ve worn ash on my head on ESPN for 16 years. This year was different.
The host of "Around the Horn" said the attention he has received as one of the few faces on TV who wears an ash made him think about how people who wear their expressions of faith every day — hijab or turban or yarmulke — are prejudged and silenced.
Why Schumer meeting with Putin doesn't give Trump or his associates a pass
The president is trying to draw a false comparison. If Jeff Sessions met Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign, and Russia was hoping to ensure that Sessions's chosen candidate won, that's significant — particularly if Sessions then withheld information about that meeting while under oath.
The Take: Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration
President Trump apparently sees the entire issue as an attempt to delegitimize his presidency. He also has continued to equivocate on whether he truly believes the intelligence community's findings. As a result, he and others have tried to wish away that something significant happened.
He dropped his daughter off at a Los Angeles school. Minutes later, immigration agents took him away.
The man's other daughter sobbed in the back seat as she filmed her father's arrest, which drew condemnation from educators because it occurred so close to a school.
Chao says U.S. drivers may face more tolls to raise infrastructure funds
The transportation secretary said in an interview last week that "the federal government cannot assume the cost for all of it."
ISIS militants accused of using 'blistering chemical agent' in attacks in Mosul
The victims — including five children, the youngest just 2 months old — had burns, blisters and breathing issues after three separate attacks over the past week.
Irish excavation confirms mass grave of babies at former home for unwed mothers
The discovery was spurred by the research of a local historian in Ireland who uncovered the truth about a home for unmarried mothers that was operated by Catholic nuns from 1925 to the 1960s.
Illinois congressman uses offensive term to describe raucous town halls
Republican Mike Bost, who last year voted to remove an antiquated and derogatory term for Asians from federal law, said he regretted using the racial slur.
Schwarzenegger fires back after Trump claims he was fired from 'The Apprentice'
The Twitter feud between the president and his reality-TV replacement continued Saturday, with Schwarzenegger suggesting that Trump should hire "a new joke writer and a fact checker."
Disney put a 'gay moment' in 'Beauty and the Beast' — so one theater won't show it
In a since-deleted Facebook post, the owners of the northern Alabama drive-in reportedly said they are Christians and would not compromise what the Bible teaches.
A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college. He left fleeing an angry mob.
"The Bell Curve" author Charles Murray said he'd never experienced anything like his "scary" encounter Thursday night with protesters at Middlebury College in Vermont.
John Ross kind of calls his shot, then runs fastest-ever 40 at NFL combine
The University of Washington receiver said he knew he was capable of a fast time, but the fastest? If he had been wearing Adidas, he would have won an island.
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