Sunday 1 October 2017

The Post Most: Dolphins and Saints take NFL national anthem demonstrations to next phase; Trump tweets again

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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Dolphins and Saints take NFL national anthem demonstrations to next phase; Trump tweets again
National anthem demonstrations continue to dominate as players consider what the next move will be.
On SNL, Baldwin's Trump tells Puerto Rico: 'We have to take care of America first'
During the premiere of "Saturday Night Live," Baldwin's Trump calls the mayor of Puerto Rico "nasty."
Trump called San Juan's mayor a weak leader. Here's what her leadership looks like.
Here's how Carmen Yulín Cruz, who angered President Trump after Hurricane Maria hit her country, became spokeswoman for a stranded people.
Quietly and with little attention, O.J. Simpson is released from prison early Sunday morning
The Hall of Famer's parole into an uncertain future began at 12:08 a.m.
Trump says Tillerson is 'wasting his time' trying to pursue negotiations with North Korea
On Twitter, the president undercut Tillerson's latest diplomatic efforts to decrease hostilities between Washington and Pyongyang.
Fact Checker • Analysis
Did President Trump add $33 million to Puerto Rico's debt by bankrupting a golf course there?
The golf resort was flailing with a nearly $30 million debt to Puerto Ricans even before Trump came along.
The Fix • Analysis
SNL's Michael Che unloads on Trump, calls him 'cheap cracker,' 'b – – – -' over Puerto Rico
Kanye West declared "George Bush doesn't care about black people" after Hurricane Katrina. Michael Che said much the same thing about Trump last night.
A model decided to tattoo her eyeball. She's now partially blind and in 'excruciating' pain.
Catt Gallinger wanted the whites of her eyes stained purple — but the procedure went horribly wrong, she said.
The past week showed Trump is struggling to be the president he promised
Longtime problems are worsening as he comes under increasing pressure to deliver on at least part of his agenda.
Clashes during Catalan independence vote injure more than 300, including 12 police officers
The optics could not have been worse for the central government. Images out of the northeast region of Catalonia showed ordinary men and women being roughly dragged from the polls by helmeted police dressed all in black.
Trump signed presidential directive ordering actions to pressure North Korea
The effort included a campaign targeting hackers in North Korea's military spy agency.
Their island homes wiped away in the hurricanes, Caribbean residents wonder: Should they go back?
Devastated by Hurricane Irma, Barbuda struggles to recover from physical damage, economic duress and a new category of psychic storm.
O.J.'s last defender — F. Lee Bailey — is broke, disbarred and working above a hair salon
The famed former defense attorney, has almost nothing left, but he still thinks O.J. Simpson, newly released from a Nevada prison, is innocent.
The new reality of old age in America
How the military handles sexual assault cases behind closed doors
An Air Force colonel who sent X-rated recordings avoided criminal charges and public scrutiny.
'It will be momentous': Supreme Court embarking on new term
The docket includes a trio of cases dealing with the key issues of democracy, privacy and equality.

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