Thursday 7 September 2017

Would you live in a floating city in the sky?

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Today's TED Talk

Would you live in a floating city in the sky?

11:03 minutes · TED2017

In a mind-bending talk that blurs the line between science and art, Tomás Saraceno exhibits a series of air-inspired sculptures and installations designed to usher in a new era of sustainability, the "Aerocene." From giant, cloud-like playgrounds suspended 22 meters in the air to a balloon sculpture that travels the world without burning a single drop of fossil fuel, Saraceno's work invites us to explore the bounds of our fragile human and terrestrial ecosystems. (In Spanish with English subtitles.)

Watch now »

Playlist of the Day

Talks for when you're in the mood for adventure

Talks for when you're in the mood for adventure

Quench your thirst for adventure with these breathtakingly bold talks that explore the Earth's most spectacular corners, depths and peaks. Watch »

9 talks · Total run time 1:42:44

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