Wednesday 13 September 2017

Wednesday's Opinions: Howard Dean on young voters: ‘These people are not Democrats’

Steve Bannon is a Swiss-cheese philosopher; What it took for Republicans finally to feel betrayed by Trump
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Howard Dean on young voters: 'These people are not Democrats'
"They're very independent-minded. They don't like politics. And they mistrust institutions."
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Latest Columns
Steve Bannon is a Swiss-cheese philosopher
His political observations were spot-on, but his "economic nationalism" philosophy a little spotty.
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What it took for Republicans finally to feel betrayed by Trump
He went against the tribe.
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Don't buy all the PR-style hooey about 'dreamers'
Why not show compassion and legalize them? Because there might be harmful side effects.
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Bring back the ombudsman
Public editors can be a pain in the neck, and their criticism can sting, but they broaden public trust.
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The media gets the opioid crisis wrong. Here is the truth.
It's time to correct the record.
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Beauty is truth and truth is factual
And truth has a way of catching up with presidents.
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It's time to update America's important anti-boycott law for Israel
Some argue laws barring boycotts against Israel violate free speech. That's wrong.
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Trump could be removed for political incompetence — using the 25th Amendment
The amendment doesn't have to apply only in cases of incapacitation by mental or physical illness.
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The progressives in the Democratic Party keep marching forward
Rather than getting caught up in Hillary Clinton's campaign memoir, let's keep our focus on "Medicare for All" and other issues that matter.
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Editorial Cartoons
Donald Trump does so care, and you won’t have to wait six months to see The real picture of the Trump presidency
He cares about the babies. Federal buildings are still waiting for official photographs of the president and vice president.
The Post’s View
Metro gets a surprise lifeline from an unlikely source
In a reversal, Maryland's governor puts cash — and a challenge for his partners — on the table.
The Supreme Court should strike down Wisconsin's gerrymandering
The court should listen to the warnings of GOP officials on the dangers of partisan redistricting schemes.
Tom Price decides he doesn't want Medicare to save money
HHS should be expanding its 'bundled payment' experiments, not ending them.
Latest Blogs
House votes to curb asset forfeiture
The House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to curb a program expanded by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that promoted abusive seizures of property by law enforcement. The Sessions policy is a menace to both federalism and property rights.
Will the presidency survive Donald Trump?
Jack Goldsmith offers a blunt critique of the Trump Presidency - and it isn't pretty.
The amazing anecdote about Sean Spicer in Katy Tur’s new book
Gets dissed by reporters and sources but has a point nonetheless.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Federalist Society Supreme Court preview
It's going to be a really interesting Supreme Court term.
What about the Russia lies?
Trump's lying has reached critical mass.
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