Wednesday 13 September 2017

Wednesday's Headlines: Middle-class incomes rise, but Census report shows worrying disparities

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
Middle-class incomes rise, but Census report shows worrying disparities
Median household income rose to $59,039 in 2016, a 3.2 percent increase from the previous year. Yet the Census Bureau report also points to the sources of deeper anxieties among U.S. workers. Middle-class households are only now seeing their income eclipse 1999 levels. Inequality remains high, with the top fifth of earners taking home more than half of all overall income, a record.
Trump's push for tax cuts faces familiar test: A divided GOP
The White House and GOP congressional leaders agree with the goal of slashing the corporate income tax rate and also cutting individual income taxes to benefit the middle class. But they have yet to agree about which existing tax breaks should be eliminated to pay for it all.
Supreme Court agrees with Trump administration, says some refugees can be barred for now
In a one-paragraph statement Tuesday, the court put on hold a lower court decision that would have allowed more refugees to enter the country.
Over liberals' objections, justices say Texas need not draw new districts now
The 5-to-4 ruling almost surely means the 2018 elections will be conducted in disputed congressional and legislative districts.
After Irma, a once-lush gem in the U.S. Virgin Islands is now a wasteland
St. John is perhaps the site of the hurricane's worst devastation on American soil. Residents, cut off from the world with no power, no landlines and no cellular service, are leaving — some of them in tears.
A Florida assisted-care facility sheltered in place for Irma. Then the power went out — for three days.
As residents suffered in the rising heat, Cape Coral Shores waited for the electricity to come back on. Power was not restored until Tuesday, even as homes and businesses all around the facility saw theirs return. The utility company apparently had not had the facility listed as a medical provider.
'We just need power': After Irma, Florida prepares for days — and maybe weeks — without electricity
Nearly half of Florida remained in the dark, but even for those who had power, some were struggling to maintain cellphone service or Internet access.
A Marriott rescue ship left stranded tourists behind because they weren't guests of the hotel
The hotel chain sent a boat to St. Thomas but only those on the passenger manifest were allowed to board, a decision Marriott officials said was out of their hands.
Jacksonville hit by historic flooding — and might get more
The St. Johns River is swelling over its banks in what officials call "epic" and "historic" flooding. In the city of nearly 900,000, the river is hitting levels not seen since 1846.
Steve Bannon is a Swiss-cheese philosopher
What it took for Republicans finally to feel betrayed by Trump
Don't buy all the PR-style hooey about 'dreamers'
Bring back the ombudsman
The amazing anecdote about Sean Spicer in Katy Tur's new book
The Supreme Court should strike down Wisconsin's gerrymandering
More News
Ryan, Pelosi to huddle on legislation to protect 'dreamers'
The meeting, which will include other top House leaders, comes as lawmakers try to determine how to provide legal protections to nearly 700,000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.
White House spokeswoman: Justice Department 'should certainly look at' prosecuting Comey
Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the White House is not encouraging a prosecution. But she ticked through a list of actions or alleged actions by former FBI Director James B. Comey that she said justified his firing — some of which, she said, may be illegal.
Researchers find hint of a link between flu vaccine and miscarriage
Experts caution that the small study does not change recommendations for pregnant women to get the flu vaccine.
Sanders to introduce universal health-care bill backed by 15 Democratic senators
The proposal, which would expand Medicare, has no chance of passage in a Republican-run Congress. But it has a record level of support for an idea that had been relegated to the fringes during the last Democratic presidency.
Edith Windsor, whose lawsuit led to landmark ruling that struck down gay marriage ban, dies at 88
The opinion in Windsor's case became the basis for a wave of federal court rulings that struck down state marriage bans and led to a 2015 Supreme Court ruling giving same-sex couples the right to marry.
7 highlights from Apple's latest iPhone announcement
New iPhones, the next generation of the Apple Watch and a sophisticated facial recognition system were among the products unveiled by the company.
An 11-year-old boy fell into an Italian volcanic crater. His parents also died trying to save him.
The family was visiting the crater near Naples when the boy wandered into a restricted area and slipped into a nearly 10-foot-deep pit, an Italian news agency reported.
Arts and Entertainment • Analysis
A splash of paint to freshen a classic look
Oscar de la Renta loathed using his logo, but his proteges are celebrating it.

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