Tuesday 12 September 2017

Tuesday's Opinions: GOP leaders made a huge wager — and they’re losing

This nifty GOP trick will punish the poor and increase the deficit — at the same time!; The cruelest insult to Harvey and Irma's victims
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Shawn Thew / Bloomberg
GOP leaders made a huge wager — and they're losing
When will they admit betting on Trump was a bad idea?
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Latest Columns
This nifty GOP trick will punish the poor and increase the deficit — at the same time!
A mini-audit of applicants for the earned income tax credit would strain the Internal Revenue Service's resources.
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The cruelest insult to Harvey and Irma's victims
Climate-change denial does a disservice to those who lost their lives.
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Americans are stuck in bubbles. Here's a way to pop them.
Maybe required national service would force people to interact with those outside their own tribe.
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The NRA's idea of recreation: Assault rifles, armor-piercing bullets and silencers
Apparently, this is what "sportsmen's heritage" looks like.
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Congress sits idle in the face of genocide
H.R. 390, which would bring justice — and humanitarian aid — to the plain of Nineveh, must be passed.
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When it comes to Facebook, Russia's $100,000 is worth more than you think
The Kremlin-linked Facebook ads show that the real problem isn't Russia. It's us.
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Five bipartisan steps toward stabilizing our health-care system
Congress can save patients a lot of pain, but legislators must act fast.
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Editorial Cartoons
Schumer and Pelosi seem to have a new best friend There’s a difference between a populist and an opportunist
Who's going to take care of him? Former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon's interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday was more about his agenda than the president's.
The Post’s View
Florida was right to prepare for the worst
Irma has not been quite as devastating as predicted. But there is no reason to gamble with lives.
Trump welcomes an authoritarian to the White House
Trump is rubbing elbows with a man under investigation by the Justice Department.
The Virginia governor's race is how politics should be
Ed Gillespie and Ralph Northam try a new tactic: civility.
Latest Blogs
The Bannon era is over
Stephen K. Bannon is becoming just some guy with an opinion. His half-life as a political mastermind is uncertain at best.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Study: Democrats vulnerable to Fox News's magical powers
This is a news organization that persuades people.
‘The Deuce,’ Season 1, Episode 1 review: Objectification
We don't know the answers to the big questions "The Deuce" is posing. That's the point.
Does Trump have an Option B ready for Iran?
Trump doesn't really want to end the deal.
Can Irma finally blow through the GOP’s climate change denial?
The prognosis is grim.
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