Tuesday 5 September 2017

Tuesday's Headlines: Political fight brews as Trump prepares to end protections for ‘dreamers’

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
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Political fight brews as Trump prepares to end protections for 'dreamers'
Urgency on Capitol Hill has mounted amid reports that President Trump will end the DACA program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 people to live and work in the U.S. without fear of deportation. Lawmakers are bracing for an extended public fight over whether Congress should provide legal status to young undocumented immigrants.
Pastors who stood by Trump plead for him to show 'heart' for 'dreamer' immigrants
Despite pressure to resign after Charlottesville, most members of an evangelical advisory board have decided to remain, in hopes of influencing policy.
Their lives were transformed by DACA. Here's what will happen if it disappears.
For the young people who have grown up in the United States and benefited from the program, losing it means losing everything.
Ex-Trump campaign aide with little environmental policy experience makes final call on EPA's grants
The Environmental Protection Agency has taken the unusual step of putting a political operative in charge of vetting the grants and awards it distributes. Nearly $2 million in awards, mostly on climate change, have been revoked since February.
'If they deport all of us, who will rebuild?'
It will take an army of workers to reconstruct a vast swath of Southeast Texas, including the sprawling metropolis of Houston, that was devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Will undocumented migrants be allowed to join in?
Irma strengthens to a Category 4 hurricane
It's becoming less likely that Irma will escape out to sea, and the chances of a U.S. landfall have increased compared with Sunday.
In a changing Arctic, a lone Coast Guard icebreaker maneuvers through ice and geopolitics
The Arctic Ocean was once a frosty no man's land. But the warming climate has created waterways that are growing freer of ice, and the United States is studying how to safeguard an area rich with resources that is now the focus of its rivals China and Russia.
Ivanka Trump has learned well from her father's cons
Impeaching Trump is a long shot. There's another way to protect the country.
Congress's most important assignment after summer vacation
Trump is hurting his presidency by continuing to go it alone
Australia's strange vote on same-sex marriage
Let 'dreamers' live the American Dream
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WorldViews • Analysis
After North Korea's latest nuclear test, what's next for the U.S., China and other major players?
The complicated path ahead for leaders in six countries involved in this geopolitical crisis.
Breaking from tech giants, Democrats consider becoming an antimonopoly party
A messy, public brawl over a Google critic's ouster from a Washington think tank has exposed a fissure in Democratic Party politics.
U.S.-backed forces seize Raqqa's Old City from ISIS, but a tough fight lies ahead
After a three-month push, Kurdish and Arab forces control 60 percent of the Islamic State's self-proclaimed capital.
'I think I did it': Man tells 911 he took cold medicine, woke up to find wife stabbed to death
In audio from the emergency call, the 27-year-old North Carolina resident can be heard sobbing and breathing heavily as he expresses bewilderment over what took place and says, "I took more medicine than I should have."
This part of your morning routine could be causing your afternoon sugar craving
If you're frequently tempted to buy a treat from the pastry case at your favorite coffee shop, there's a good reason — and it's not just your lack of willpower.
In Venus Williams vs. Petra Kvitova, the marvel will come partly with their sheer arrival
The loudest quarterfinal in the U.S. Open women's draw will be a meaningful occasion simply because they're both here — one at age 37, one after a frightening attack.

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