Thursday 14 September 2017

Thursday's Headlines: Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save ‘dreamers’ from deportation

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save 'dreamers' from deportation
At a dinner late Wednesday, the president and Democratic leaders in Congress agreed to work out an agreement that would protect the nation's "dreamers" from deportation and enact border security measures that don't include building a physical wall, according to people familiar with the meeting.
Conservatives unleash anger over willingness to pursue deal
The torrent represented the first major break of President Trump's devoted base from him on a core issue, with some allies openly mocking the president.
'There really is a new strategy': Democrats wary but hopeful on Trump's outreach
President Trump on Wednesday vowed not to cut taxes for the wealthy, said he would try to protect young undocumented immigrants and extolled bipartisanship. His tentative willingness to work across the aisle has left many Republicans chagrined and some Democrats cautiously optimistic.
Kushner's White House role 'crushed' efforts to woo investors for New York tower
The building at 666 Fifth Ave. seems to be the most troubled project that White House senior adviser Jared Kushner left behind for his family to manage, with a fourth of its offices empty and a $1.2 billion loan due in 2019.
'The generators gave up': 8 die after air conditioning fails at Fla. nursing home following Hurricane Irma
The deaths, which prompted a criminal investigation, were what many feared might happen after Irma knocked out power for millions of people. Early indications pointed to problems with air conditioning, resulting in an "excessively hot" facility, police said.
Martin Shkreli jailed after Facebook post about Hillary Clinton
A federal judge revoked the $5 million bail of the infamous former hedge fund manager convicted of defrauding investors. While awaiting sentencing, he has harassed women online, prosecutors argued, and offered his Facebook followers $5,000 to grab a strand of Hillary Clinton's hair during her book tour.
The Democrats have become socialists
Trump's voter-fraud propagandist cooks up extremely fuzzy math
How miserable it must be to be a progressive
Aung San Suu Kyi falls into the moral abyss on the Rohingya
How a leak investigation rule-change by Sessions could cripple the free press
The Justice Department goes out of its way to side against a gay couple
More News
ISIS is near defeat in Iraq. Now comes the hard part.
Old disputes between Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds already are resurfacing. The rivalries are compounded by the task of rebuilding towns and cities, returning millions of displaced people and reconciling the communities that once welcomed the Islamic State's brutal rule.
North Korea's latest nuclear test was so powerful it reshaped the mountain above it
New radar images show that the Sept. 3 nuclear test altered the topography of the mountain above the tunnel where the test likely took place.
Mnuchin requested military jet for his European honeymoon
A Treasury Department spokesman said the request was made so that Steven Mnuchin would have access to secure communications as he traveled abroad with his wife over the summer.
Boyfriend arrested in slaying of missing pregnant Maryland teacher, police say
The body of Laura Elizabeth Wallen, a social studies teacher at Wilde Lake High School in Howard County, was found in a shallow grave. The suspect, Tyler Tessier, was believed to be the father of Wallen's unborn child, police said.
I called Equifax with a simple question. This is what happened.
Was my personal data compromised in the hack that exposed millions of Americans' names, Social Security numbers and birthdates? Four calls and more than half an hour later, I still have no idea.
Sean Spicer appears on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' gets mocked about his White House tenure
The former White House press secretary was teased about his first press conference in which he spoke about the size of the president's inauguration crowd, and he discussed the term "fake news" and Anthony Scaramucci.
Bodega, an 'unmanned pantry box,' has already become America's most hated start-up
The company, founded by two former Google employees, aims to make neighborhood bodegas and corner stores obsolete by replacing them with fancy vending machines.
Arts and Entertainment • Analysis
So, how do you feel about tie-dye?
Well, Michael Kors might change your mind. He even suggests you try wearing it in the boardroom.

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