Thursday 7 September 2017

Thursday's Headlines: Trump suddenly aligns with Democrats on fiscal issues, confounding GOP leaders

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
Trump suddenly aligns with Democrats on fiscal issues, confounding GOP leaders
The president cut a deal with Democratic congressional leaders on a short-term plan to fund the government and raise its borrowing limit this month. His surprise stance upended sensitive negotiations over the debt ceiling and other issues and further imperiled his relationships with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.).
PowerPost • Analysis
Hill Democrats score a seat at the table, but they're still looking for a legislative win
For the first time this year, Democrats can envision playing offense, possibly securing victories on immigration and health issues that eluded them in the last years of President Barack Obama's tenure.
Massive Hurricane Irma slams into Caribbean and takes aim at Florida
The most powerful hurricane to threaten the Atlantic coast in more than a decade, Irma ripped through the Caribbean on Wednesday, battering the northern Lesser Antilles and Virgin Islands, in some cases leaving behind massive destruction, such as on the small island of Barbuda. In South Florida, where the storm is expected to hit this weekend, the mood was described by one resident as "frantic."
Hope, worry and boredom mingle in a Houston shelter
Dozens staying at Calvary Community Church try to figure out what to do before their safe haven closes.
The tiny islands ravaged by Irma are in trouble — and begging for help
As night fell on the damaged islands, there was fear another hurricane, Jose, which has already formed in the Atlantic, appears headed for them, too.
Graphic: What's in Irma's path
The storm is powerful, fast and bearing down on Florida. It should make landfall over the weekend.
Nobody knows what Trump is doing. Not even Trump.
Trump offers us a glimpse behind the curtain. There's nothing there.
Will Trump lower the nuclear bar?
Virginia needs a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on race
Prosecutors summoned this Turkish journalist when she tweeted ... about Zsa Zsa Gabor
Trump's messy and muddled reasoning on DACA
More News
In interview with Trump Jr., will Grassley be the dogged investigator or the loyal Republican?
As the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares to interview Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday, one uncertainty is which Sen. Charles E. Grassley will serve as its chairman: a fearless investigator ready to take on his own party, or a partisan protector of the president?
Fact Checker • Analysis
Did Obama allow a 'back door' to citizenship through DACA?
Some news reports suggested 40,000 "dreamers" got green cards through a loophole, but that number is very inflated.
China will back fresh U.N. measures on North Korea over nuclear tests
The announcement by China's foreign minister came less than a week after North Korea tested its most powerful nuclear device yet and a day after President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone about how to handle the issue.
In North Dakota, embattled Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp wins president's praise
The White House trumpeted Heitkamp's participation in Wednesday's trip as evidence of bipartisan support for Trump's plan to overhaul the tax code, though the senator has not explicitly endorsed his agenda.
A Venezuelan woman had grown used to shortages. Then her HIV drugs ran out. 
Already living with the world's highest inflation rate and an increasingly repressive government, Venezuelans are now facing an HIV/AIDS crisis.
Challenging Merkel from the left, her top rival finds little appetite for a German shake-up
Martin Schulz is lagging in the polls, and struggling to convince voters of the need for change with less than three weeks to go before the election.
Fashion is finally figuring out diversity — in ways that actually matter
Yes, the industry still has its flaws, but in the past decade, it has opened its doors to more people of color, plus-size women, transgender women and those who simply don't fit the industry's classic definition of beauty.

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