Saturday 16 September 2017

The Post Most: Trump’s ‘fake news’ attack lost its power this week

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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The Fix • Analysis
Trump's 'fake news' attack lost its power this week
Trump can no longer cry "fake news" when the media report on a broken promise, and count on his boosters to help keep the faith.
British police arrest 18-year-old man in connection with London subway attack
The man was arrested in the coastal town of Dover in southeastern England and is being held for questioning under the Terrorism Act. He has not been charged.
Police and protesters clash in St. Louis after former officer who shot black driver acquitted on murder charges
The police chief said protesters assaulted police with bricks and bottles, and officers responded by using tear gas and firing pepper-spray balls. More than 20 people had been arrested, and 10 police officers had suffered injuries, including a broken jaw and a dislocated shoulder.
Fla. nursing home where eight died after Irma defends actions, says it called governor for help
"Repeatedly, I was told that our case was being escalated to the highest level," an executive said.
Melania Trump slowly finds her first lady persona: More Bess Truman than Jackie Kennedy
Starting to make public appearances, she remains quieter than many predecessors.
TV • Review
Fall TV 2017: 10 new shows worth checking out (and 5 you can totally skip)
Critic Hank Stuever cuts through the fall dramas and comedies and picks the good — and the awful.
President Trump is killing me. Really.
High blood pressure, grinding teeth, anxiety — he's making his critics in blue America ill.
Taxpayers billed $1,092 for an official's two-night stay at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club
An invoice from the president's Palm Beach property surfaces, showing that the government was charged for someone to spend the weekend.
Hill Republicans' influence ebbs, and they're not sure what to do about it
Trump's overtures to Democratic leaders have left GOP lawmakers scrambling to retake the reins.
How Democrats won the presidency
Trump may get more accomplished for the Democratic Party than Hillary Clinton could have with a GOP-dominated Congress.
U.S. Army kills contracts for hundreds of immigrant recruits. Some face deportation.
"I feel devastated. The Army was my only hope," said an Indonesian-born recruit at risk of deportation.
The stunning underwater picture this photographer wishes 'didn't exist'
California nature photographer Justin Hofman snapped the picture off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumbawa.
Where are all the president's women?
Nancy Pelosi runs the cost-benefit analysis of speaking up familiar to women the world over.
Cuba mystery: Even Castro baffled by harm to US diplomats
Raul Castro seemed rattled.
Who's looking great again? It's not America.
A fine U.S. economy has China, France and Germany to thank — really anyone but Trump.
This child sat for the pledge — so his teacher 'violently' snatched him from his chair, he says
"I was so confused," the 11-year-old boy said. "I didn't know what was going on."

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