Thursday 14 September 2017

The Post Most: Trump’s die-hard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on ‘dreamers’

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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Trump's die-hard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on 'dreamers'
"Put a fork in Trump. He is done."
The fanged, faceless sea creature that washed ashore during Harvey has been identified
One biologist believes the mysterious sea creature is fangtooth snake-eel, or Aplatophis chauliodus.
The Fix • Analysis
Sean Spicer basically admitted that he was willing to lie for Trump
"Look, your job as press secretary is to represent the president's voice," Spicer told Jimmy Kimmel.
North Korea's latest nuclear test was so powerful it reshaped the mountain above it
New radar images show North Korea's Sept. 3 nuclear test was powerful enough to have changed the topography of the mountain above the tunnel where the test likely took place.
As the White House calls for her firing, ESPN's Jemele Hill addresses the 'elephant in the room'
The "SportsCenter" host says she was just expressing her "personal beliefs" in calling President Trump a white supremacist, but the debate is already raging.
Mnuchin eclipses earlier backlash with pricey request: European honeymoon by military jet
A Treasury spokesman said Mnuchin, a member of the National Security Council, wanted access to secure communications as he traveled abroad.
Jimmy Kimmel mocks Sean Spicer to his face about that inauguration crowd size incident
The former White House press secretary also discussed Trump's Twitter habit, the term 'fake news' and Anthony Scaramucci.
'Leave the light on — for ICE': Motel 6 employees reported guests to immigration officials
Following a report in the Phoenix New Times, Motel 6 said the practice was "implemented at the local level without the knowledge of senior management."
Kushner's White House role 'crushed' efforts to woo investors for NYC tower
A Fifth Avenue office building is more than quarter empty and losing money, and a $1.2 billion loan is due in 2019.
The Plum Line • Opinion
Trump's latest tweetstorm signals major concessions may lie ahead
No wonder the immigration hard-liners are screaming bloody murder about it.
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