Tuesday 19 September 2017

The Post Most: The Daily 202: Mueller tightening the screws on Manafort

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PowerPost • Analysis
The Daily 202: Mueller tightening the screws on Manafort
Two important developments in the Russia investigation
In U.N. speech, Trump threatens to 'totally destroy North Korea' and calls Kim Jong Un the 'Rocket Man'
"We will have no choice but to destroy North Korea," Trump said, before calling the North Korean leader by a nickname he gave him over the weekend. "Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself."
Not drinking or driving, teens increasingly put off traditional markers of adulthood
'Maybe it's just safer to not become an adult'
'Extremely dangerous' Hurricane Maria churns toward Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico; Jose to scrape Northeast coast
Maria could strike Puerto Rico directly on Wednesday.
Senate Intelligence Committee interview with Trump lawyer abruptly canceled
Lawyer Michael Cohen had planned to vigorously deny playing any role in Russia's efforts during the 2016 election.
A Russian helicopter accidentally fired on spectators during war games, state TV says
The Russian defense ministry denied the claim of injured onlookers as "purposeful provocation."
The Plum Line • Opinion
An internal report undercut one of Trump's biggest goals. So it was scrapped.
In the Trump administration, only alternative facts are permitted.
Ohio firefighter: 'One dog is more important than a million' African Americans
Offensive comments posted to Facebook could cost Tyler Royston his job.
Violence erupts at Georgia Tech after police kill student
A police car burned, officers were injured and Georgia Tech went on lockdown for the second time since police killed a student Saturday.
A botched surgery left a barber with erectile dysfunction. Decades later, he took revenge.
For two decades a former patient bore a dangerous grudge.
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