Sunday 17 September 2017

Sunday's Headlines: With little to lose, Democrats cautiously share the driver’s seat with Trump

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
With little to lose, Democrats cautiously share the driver's seat with Trump
Democratic leaders hoping to pass immigration reform are willing to trust a president their base despises. And they have much to gain: A successful negotiation would achieve something they failed to pull off when their party controlled both Congress and the White House.
Establishment gears up for Steve Bannon's war on the GOP leadership
Deep-pocketed supporters of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and other GOP leaders have resolved to fight a protracted battle over the next year for the soul of the party in congressional primaries, and the Senate contest in Alabama will be the first showdown.
Republicans take aim at state-and-local-tax deductions — and raise ire of GOP legislators in blue states
Republican leaders have made clear the SALT deduction is on the table as they rewrite the tax code — but internal dissent threatens the effort. "I intend to fight it with everything I know how," said Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.), in whose district 43 percent of tax filers claim SALT deductions.
'Blood flowed in the streets': Refugees from one Rohingya hamlet recount days of horror
Those fleeing Burma's military crackdown, which has triggered an exodus of an estimated 400,000 refugees, say civilians were gunned down and villages torched. Those who escaped into Bangladesh have overflowed an existing refugee camp — and the tide is expected to grow in the coming days.
'It's not the storm — it's the aftermath': After Irma, searching for normal in the Florida Keys
The Florida Keys took the brunt of Hurricane Irma's landfall when its eyewall rolled right over the archipelago. Now, days after the storm pummeled these island communities, residents were deep into the blisteringly hot wait for food, electricity and water.
Clinton's account of how she was 'shivved' in the 2016 presidential election
Katy Tur's memoir on the Trump campaign and reporting while female
Montana residents are desperate for clean air, and they're calling me
Why do Floridians keep telling ourselves we can beat nature?
Harvey and Irma are the new normal. It's time to move away from the coasts.
This ethnic cleansing in Asia is the most brutal the world has seen in years
More News
Ban on North Korean clothing exports will hurt women most, experts say
The U.N. targeted North Korea's growing garment industry in its latest sanctions — an effort that will have wide-reaching ramifications across the country's society.
Probe into House technology worker yields intrigue — but no evidence of espionage
The story of Imran Awan and four other Pakistani-born computer technicians is a lightning rod charged by the convergence of politics, cybersecurity and fears of foreign intrusion. It has spurred unfounded conspiracy theories — and very real questions about how well Congress safeguards its technology.
In message of defiance to Trump, lawmakers vote to make Calif. a sanctuary state
The legislation would prohibit local law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration officials. It also forbids law enforcement from inquiring about a person's immigration status. The bill now goes to California Gov. Jerry Brown, who is expected to sign it into law.
Why it's so hard for Americans to save for retirement
The father of the 401(k) laments the system he helped create, as too many people today are reaching retirement age with a paltry account balance that is unlikely to carry them through their later years.
News quiz: Mission accomplished and war games
A 20-year space journey just ended. That was among the headlines of the past week. Were you paying attention? The faster you correctly answer, the higher you can score.
Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez ends in controversial split decision draw
This was the fight boxing fans had been waiting for, so there was an audible groan in the crowd as ring announcer Michael Buffer revealed the result of the middleweight title bout.
College football winners and losers: Tennessee vs. Florida was mostly unwatchable until …
Cheers for the Gators' thrilling finish (if not the first three quarters), the Memphis Tigers and Mason Rudolph, among others.
These miniature murder scenes have shown detectives how to study homicides for 70 years
Frances Glessner Lee, the "mother of forensic science," handcrafted the macabre tableaux of tragedy. They depict shotgun slayings, hangings, bludgeonings and possible asphyxiations, all based on actual murders, suicides or accidents, most from the 1930s and 1940s.
How to block those annoying robo-calls
It's not enough to get on the do-not-call list. Take these extra steps to protect yourself.
A quest to save distinctive buildings
As glass boxes fill the D.C. skyline, mogul Douglas Jemal is preserving what's left of the city's character.
5 recipes our readers loved most this week
Home cooks know what they want. Right now, that means simple, flavorful and seasonal dishes.

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