Sunday 3 September 2017

Sunday's Headlines: North Korea detonates its most powerful nuclear device yet

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
North Korea detonates its most powerful nuclear device yet
North Korea claimed its latest test was a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile capable of reaching the mainland United States. Even if Kim Jong Un's regime is exaggerating its feats, scientific evidence showed that North Korea had crossed an important threshold and had detonated a nuclear device that was exponentially more powerful than its last — and almost eight times the size of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
Trump plans withdrawal from South Korea free trade deal
The move would stoke economic tensions with a U.S. ally even as both countries confront a crisis over North Korea's nuclear program.
Federal government has long ignored white supremacist threats, critics say
Analysts who follow far-right groups say neglect by multiple presidential administrations has allowed them to proliferate and strengthen. In the years after 9/11, most of the focus on combating terrorism has centered on Islamist extremists, not on neo-Nazis and the far right.
Relief workers suspend their own grief — and turn to meet the needs of strangers
The epic floodwaters across thousands of square miles create new and dangerous crises in an instant. Fires are fought without hydrants. Helicopters swoop in to transport hospital patients. A city wakes up to no running water. And a makeshift army of rescuers, marching on adrenaline, pushes on.
Houston residents begin salvaging what little they can
It was clear to most in this struggling and still-soggy region that in the wake of the epic storm, things would not be anywhere close to normal anytime soon. And the dangers are far from over.
Texans' do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey
People from the Lone Star State have an almost genetic disinclination to rely on the government for anything. So during Hurricane Harvey, the people turned to each other.
We already knew how to reduce damage from floods. We just didn't do it.
Who suffers when disasters strike? The poorest and most vulnerable.
I ran Congress' 9/11 probe. The intelligence committees today can't handle Russia.
The only thing less fair than the electoral college is the scoring in tennis
The history, theory and contradictions of antifa
These Washington players didn't just stick to their college major
More News
Hezbollah accuses the U.S. of putting lives at stake by hounding ISIS convoy
The Lebanese group promised the convoy carrying both fighters and civilians safe passage, but the U.S. military had the road bombed and won't let them go to militant-held territory.
'I felt like I was dying': It looked like cancer but the real problem was hidden for years
Doctors couldn't figure out why she was so sick. Then a test revealed a surprising problem.
Obituaries • 1929-2017
Japanese survivor of Nagasaki atomic attack who bared his scars to plead against nuclear war dies at 88
Sumiteru Taniguchi spent almost two years on his stomach as his wounds healed. He would later devote the rest of his life to peace and disarmament.
Winners and losers from the first full week of college football — including a big day for Michigan
Michigan's dominant win over Florida showed that the young Wolverines could match their success from last season.
Losing weight gets personal: Combining diet and behavioral changes may help shed pounds
Physician Robert Kushner encourages patients to manage their stress and sleep as a way to keep weight off.
News quiz: The Texas tragedy and political bickering
The tragic aftermath of Hurricane Harvey dominated the news — we have questions about that and other big stories of the week. How closely did you follow the headlines?
Cycling magazine apologizes for captioning photo of female rider 'token attractive woman'
Cycling Weekly chalked the sexist gaffe up to a single employee and not a male-dominated culture.
Nissan Titan rivals popular pickups
Competitors had better be worried about the 2017 Nissan Titan XD King Cab/Platinum Reserve. 
Resilience isn't just being tough
Strength in the face of adversity is a skill you can develop. Here's how one writer did it.
March of the clowns: Juggalos are coming
Nudity. Debauchery. Eating a live scorpion. Insane Clown Posse fans are definitely outrageous. But are they a criminal gang?

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