Sunday 10 September 2017

Sunday's Headlines: Hurricane Irma regains power as it lashes Florida with wind, rain

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
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Hurricane Irma regains power as it lashes Florida with wind, rain
The National Weather Service expected the storm's 130 mph winds to soon hit near Key West, where storm surges could reach a devastating five to 10 feet, before the hurricane slowly proceeds up the state's west coast. Forecasters are predicting a second landfall, possibly near Tampa, overnight on Sunday into Monday.
Irma's outer bands thrash Florida, targeting the Keys, Tampa
The latest computer model forecasts suggest the vicious storm will hit the Keys and Florida's west coast hardest, with destructive winds and a devastating storm surge.
The latest: Where is Irma headed after Florida?
Follow this continually updating post for the most recent forecasts and the hurricane's projected path.
Hurricane Irma is literally pulling the water away from shorelines
Because Irma is so strong and its pressure is so low, the hurricane is sucking water from its surroundings into the core of the storm.
As Irma threatened their state, two Florida Republicans voted against hurricane relief bill
One lawmaker called the bill "generational theft" because it's packaged with a debt-ceiling increase and short-term government funding.
'I hope they know what they're doing': Moving seniors out of harm's way has unique risks
The stress of hasty hurricane relocations can contribute to serious health effects among senior citizens, leading to hospitalizations and death.
Hurricane Irma pounds Cuba's north coast
There have been no reports of deaths or injuries from the storm, but it continues to pound the island.
Escaping North Korea: 'We … decided to kill ourselves rather than be sent back'
South Korea may seem close, but tightly guarded borders have forced North Koreans trying to flee into a grueling journey of thousands of miles in vehicles and on foot over mountains.
How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality
What to tell people to get them to evacuate before a hurricane hits
The No. 1 problem for football fans? Finding a bathroom.
What should we do about North Korea? We may be thinking about it all wrong.
Why Kim Jong Un wouldn't be irrational to use a nuclear bomb first
Congress gives Trump a pass on releasing his tax returns
More News
'Trump betrays everyone': The president has a long record as an unpredictable ally
In agreeing to tie Harvey aid to a three-month extension of the debt ceiling and government funding, President Trump burned the people who are ostensibly his allies. In business, his personal life, his campaign and now his presidency, Trump has sprung surprises on his allies with gusto.
In Mexican city with highest death toll after earthquake, residents mourn and begin cleanup
At least 36 people are known to have died in Juchitan, more than half of the earthquake's fatalities. President Enrique Peña Nieto said that a third of the city's homes either collapsed or were left uninhabitable by the tremblor.
A tiny ranch house in Texas. Eleven undocumented immigrants, stripped to their underwear.
U.S. officials say that over the past 12 months on the southwestern border, they've found 259 stash houses that form a vital part of the lucrative industry for smuggling immigrants and drugs.
Ending DACA will change thousands of lives. Here's how it already upended one.
College student Tony Solis was two weeks into his semester abroad in Paris when he was warned he might not be able to return to his Chicago home.
19-year-old son of ousted Fox News host Eric Bolling is found dead
The former Fox News host, who was fired from the network amid a sexting scandal, said that his 19-year-old son died Friday night in Boulder, Colo.
News quiz: Deadly hurricanes and more
It was a busy week dominated by hurricane-related buzz, but other topics also featured in the news. How closely did you follow the headlines? 
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Even though we think emotions drive us to overeat, research suggests that may be more perception than reality.
How to win contest and sweepstakes
Learn 'sweepers' techniques to increase your chances.

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