Friday 15 September 2017

Politics: Trump’s immigration talks with Democrats attract cautious support

Roger Stone says there would be an ‘insurrection’ if Trump were impeached. Is he right?
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
J. Scott Applewhite
Trump's immigration talks with Democrats attract cautious support
GOP leaders tried to reassert control, yet many Republicans agreed in broad strokes with Trump's goal.
Roger Stone says there would be an ‘insurrection’ if Trump were impeached. Is he right?
Trump opponents are much more passionate and motivated than Trump supporters, this new survey finds.
Did James Comey violate federal laws?
We dig into the White House's rationale for suggesting that the fired FBI director violated federal laws.
Can Trump continue to work with Democrats without losing the support of his base?
Robert Costa adds insight to Trump's latest deals with Democrats and what they mean for his political future. Plus, Nick Troiano of the Centrist Project explains America's political parties and the risks of a system ideologically divided.
Trump says recent antifa violence justifies his condemnation of both sides in Charlottesville
"People have actually written, 'Gee, Trump may have a point.' I said there's some very bad people on the other side also," the president said.
Sanders enlists Canadians to sell single payer
Sanders's push for universal health care, which has already taken the Democratic Party further toward endorsing "single-payer" coverage than at any time since the 1970s, has often included praise for America's northern neighbor.
Trump and Democrats strike DACA deal. Yes? No? Sort of? Trump's world can be confusing.
The president sows low-grade uncertainty in others while operating comfortably from within the maelstrom.
'Amnesty Don'? Trump tests the faith of supporters with talk of immigration deal
The president forged a fundamental bond with his voters over 'the wall' and other restrictionist policies.
Senate gears up for final defense bill vote Monday
The measure is likely to pass, but without giving senators a chance to debate several high-profile policy amendments.
Is Trump advocating 'amnesty?' Ask one conservative lawmaker, and watch him squirm.
Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) defeated Eric Cantor in part over his support for 'dreamers.' On Thursday, Brat avoided criticizing the president.
Trump weighs in on climate change: Hey, there have been big hurricanes before
Two weeks ago, he celebrated these storms as historically powerful.
How health-care reform affected America, in 51 graphs
States that expanded Medicaid continue to see bigger drops in the numbers of uninsured.
Poll: 68 percent of New Jersey voters don't want Christie to choose Menendez’s replacement
The would prefer the new senator to be chosen by whoever is elected to replace Christie in November.
Clinton raised a much higher percentage of her money in places she won than did Trump
How 2016 fundraising compared to the 2016 results.
Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save ‘dreamers’ from deportation
The president discussed the deal during a dinner with Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
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