Thursday 7 September 2017

Politics: Trump sides with Democrats on fiscal issues, throwing Republican plans into chaos

Emails show clash between Trump appointees and Facebook over Zuckerberg glacier visit
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Evan Vucci / AP
Trump sides with Democrats on fiscal issues, throwing Republican plans into chaos
"We had a very good meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer," Trump told reporters.
Emails show clash between Trump appointees and Facebook over Zuckerberg glacier visit
The conflict between political appointees and park service staff escalated over a visit by the Facebook CEO to learn about climate change.
This is why Congress will have a hard time legalizing DACA
But wait — there's a back door.
Did Obama allow a ‘back door’ to citizenship through DACA?
Some news reports suggested 40,000 DACA recipients got green cards through a loophole, but that's very inflated
McConnell introduces bill linking hurricane aid package, federal borrowing limit
The Senate is expected to approve the package as early as Friday. The bill would then be sent to the House for final approval as leaders rush to approve FEMA money before emergency funds run out.
Congressman: John Kelly is a ‘disgrace to the uniform’ and should resign over DACA decision
Rep. Luis Gutiérrez criticized the White House chief of staff over the Trump administration's decision to end DACA.
Trump's zigzagging approach to North Korea veers toward military options
U.S. approach to rising threat has included carrots, sticks and lots of tweets.
Two sides of Grassley in the spotlight this week: dogged investigator and defender of Trump
The Iowa senator's Judiciary Committee takes center stage with interview Thursday of the president's son, Donald Trump Jr.
Freedom Caucus leaders vent to Paul Ryan after talks with Steve Bannon
The exchange comes as the former White House chief strategist is having conversations with hard-line GOP lawmakers about how they should pressure congressional Republican leaders.
Hill Democrats score a seat at the table, but they're still looking for a legislative win
President Trump surprised Republicans by siding with Democrats on how to handle the year-end crush of priorities, including spending, the debt limit and immigration.
Republicans split over gerrymandering case headed to Supreme Court
Schwarzenegger, Dole join brief seeking to throw out Wisconsin GOP's redistricting plan.
In North Dakota, Trump calls embattled Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp a ‘good woman’
Trump used the occasion to pressure Heitkamp to eventually vote for his tax bill.
Ahead of North Dakota trip, Trump says daughter asked him: ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’
During a speech on tax reform in the state, Trump called his eldest daughter onto stage.
The key question about Facebook political ads: Who’s seeing them?
News that Russians bought political ads on the social network raises serious questions.
Trump announces recipients for his $1 million donation for Hurricane Harvey relief
The two biggest individual gifts were given to large, mainstream charities; the next-largest went to charities associated with Christian ministries.
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