Friday 1 September 2017

Politics: During a summer of crisis, Trump chafes against criticism and new controls

Voters value competence. That could be bad news for Trump.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Bill O'Leary / The Washington Post
During a summer of crisis, Trump chafes against criticism and new controls
Behind the scenes, president fumes about media and Congress, while friends fret about his dark moods.
Voters value competence. That could be bad news for Trump.
When voters lose confidence in the competence of a party or president, the change tends to be long-lasting.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s claim that a violent crime wave is sweeping the nation
Attorney General Jeff Sessions claims violent crime is back with a vengeance, but the data show just the opposite.
Can Trump get ‘very rapid action’ from Congress on emergency funding for Texas?
How does Trump's response to this natural disaster compare to that of past presidents? We talk to former FEMA administrator R. David Paulison. Plus, congressional reporter Mike DeBonis is back on the show to break down how relief funding works.
Freedom Caucus leader warns: Don't attach Harvey aid to debt-ceiling increase
Rep. Mark Meadows, who heads the House conservative group, said such a move would be a "terrible idea."
Immigrant members of Congress ask Trump to keep DACA
Rep. Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev.) and Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.) are the first members of Congress who came to America as undocumented immigrants.
'Repetitive, not competitive': Pence careful not to outshine Trump in Harvey role
Pence's trip to Texas underscored the VP's efforts to support his boss without overshadowing him.
McAuliffe strikes softer tone on monuments, raising GOP hopes that Northam will be out on limb
Given the cost of removal, McAuliffe says it might be best to add context to Confederate momuments and "move foward."
Energy Department official who sent disparaging tweets resigns
William Bradford is no longer with DOE.
U.S. service members, gay rights groups ask judge to halt Trump transgender ban
In first of several suits, Obama U.S. service branch chiefs warn ban will harm military readiness, recruitment
Trump pledges $1 million for hurricane relief, White House says
The press secretary says the president wants suggestions from the media about which charities are best.
Why Trump’s embrace of 3 percent annual economic growth makes historical sense
Something broke in 2009.
How the success of Obama's program for undocumented immigrants could lead to its demise under Trump
The president is facing a Sept. 5 deadline to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or face a lawsuit from Texas and other states
The Trump administration may be about to commit to billions in additional spending
Deporting hundreds of thousands of DACA participants would cost over $8 billion.
Sen. Kamala Harris backs Bernie Sanders’s single-payer bill
The California Democrat, a potential 2020 presidential contender, endorsed the "Medicare for All" proposal due to be unveiled next month.
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