Monday 11 September 2017

Politics: Bannon declares war with Republican leadership in Congress

President Trump's claim that a wall will ‘stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country’
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post
Bannon declares war with Republican leadership in Congress
In his first interview since leaving the White House, Bannon comes down hard on congressional leaders and disloyalty to Trump.
President Trump's claim that a wall will ‘stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country’
Trump wants the wall to stop drugs from entering the United States, but the majority of drugs are smuggled through legal ports of entry.
Senators eye defense bill as a way to challenge Trump's foreign policy
Senate leaders, however, seem to be resisting the push in favor of avoiding policy fights.
Clinton criticizes Trump for using race to win election
The former secretary of state says she's done with being a candidate. But she's not done with politics.
Muted backlash to Trump's bipartisanship signals warning for GOP
Trump has tied his fortune to those who want to shake up the system, not to the Republican Party.
Florida officials pleased with federal response as administration promises aid
Officials say coordination thus far has been seamless as state prepares to cope with damage.
McCain, battling cancer, acknowledges challenges but says he has had ‘a wonderful life’
In an interview with CNN, the Arizona Republican noted, "Every life has to end, one way or another."
Supreme Court asked to consider Mississippi's use of Confederate image
A lawyer in the state is fighting to remove a flag that he says promotes white supremacy.
GOP senator expected to meet Trump to discuss race issues
Sen. Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the Senate, has been sharply critical of Trump and his rhetoric on issues of race.
Hillary Clinton: Trump's inaugural address was 'a cry from the white-nationalist gut'
Clinton's remarks came more than a year after a speech in which she described the "disturbing" connection between Trump's presidential campaign and the "alt-right."
Clinton: 'I am done with being a candidate'
Clinton plans to stay involved in national politics, just not as an "active politician."
This is how Trump turned the politics of the debt ceiling upside down
Usually it's the majority party that has to raise the debt ceiling. Not this time.
As Irma churned toward their state, two Florida Republicans voted against hurricane relief bill
One lawmaker called the bill "generational theft" because it's packaged with a debt-ceiling increase and short-term government funding.
Barbara Boxer may be retired, but she isn't giving up the fight against Trump
The fiery California liberal has reassembled her old Senate campaign advisers and created a "hybrid" PAC to fund attack ads against Republicans.
Scott Pruitt says it’s not the time to talk climate change. For him, it never is.
Massive hurricanes and widespread wildfires call for action that the EPA is actively avoiding.
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