Friday 15 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: Why are elites rewarding Sean Spicer?

Opinions P.M.
Why are elites rewarding Sean Spicer?
Sean Spicer takes a victory lap.
For congressional Republicans, it's tax reform or die
Failure on tax reform is something no Republican will want to live with in 2018.
Will Trump's corruption continue damaging the country after he's gone?
Trump may end up degrading our rules and norms so badly that future presidents don't feel bound by them.
Here's a different sort of Dream Act
Circular logic.
The Chelsea Manning fiasco says a lot about Harvard
Look at the slate of fellows and weep.
Montana residents are desperate for clean air, and they're calling me
My job is to manage air quality. This fire season, I'm just trying to help people breathe.
Harvey and Irma are the new normal. It's time to move away from the coasts.
Wildlife is already retreating from areas that are increasingly inhospitable. So should we.
Three ways to do health-care reform
'Repeal and replace' becomes 'Fix and keep.'
The criminalization of poverty, continued . . .
Traffic fines and fees are preventing a dying woman from visiting her sons in prison
The loss of morality in America's health-care debate
The media and political establishments have changed the criteria.
Trump's top supporters are in a full-blown panic. They're right to be afraid.
What happens if Trump voters accept a deal on the dreamers?
President Trump is working his special magic on the hearts of newly smitten Democrats
He likes me! He really likes me!
Why Aung San Suu Kyi isn't protecting the Rohingya in Burma
What prompted her to cast aside her moral authority?
Will Stephen Miller join Gary Cohn in the doghouse — or get fired?
Miller better not be out there freelancing.
Five myths about hurricanes
The biggest danger isn't necessarily the wind.
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