Tuesday 12 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: The truth about deaths of despair

America is not the dystopia Trump claimed
Opinions P.M.
David Goldman / AP
The truth about deaths of despair
Lawmakers and the media should correct the record on the opioid crisis.
America is not the dystopia Trump claimed
Trump lies about the country, so his policies are inherently dishonest.
No wonder so many American men feel like they’re falling behind. They earn as much as they did in 1972.
‘Your brother has been killed,’ the Burmese soldier said. ‘You can come out of hiding and take him.’
The violence against Rohingya in northwest Burma is starting to look like a full-blown campaign of ethnic cleansing.
Democrats are rushing to embrace single payer. Can it be a political winner?
It won't be easy, and there are no guarantees.
The New Center: Could it work?
Can we stop replaying the same tired debates?
Beauty is truth and truth is factual
And truth has a way of catching up with presidents.
Donald Trump does so care, and you won’t have to wait six months to see
He cares about the babies.
How we know that President Trump's fascination with Katy Tur is still alive
We don't need your access, sir.
Texas AG’s office accuses ‘reputation management company’ of procuring fraudulent libel takedown lawsuits
The attorney general's office says the company "perpetuated a scheme in the guise of 'reputation management' through filing lawsuits that they knew to contain false information."
Patty Jenkins just set a new record. Here’s how to tell if it’ll change Hollywood.
It's wonderful that Patty Jenkins is getting paid, but one contract doesn't change a whole industry.
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Dead Sea Scrolls, zombie cookies and Judge Kozinski goes to Costco.
It's time to update America's important anti-boycott law for Israel
Some argue laws barring boycotts against Israel violate free speech. That's wrong.
Trump could be removed for political incompetence — using the 25th Amendment
The amendment doesn't have to apply only in cases of incapacitation by mental or physical illness.
ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri
The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day.
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