Wednesday 13 September 2017

Opinions P.M.: Bernie Sanders' single payer plan is here. Think of it as an opening bid.

Hillary Clinton still doesn't get 'what happened' in the 2016 election
Opinions P.M.
Bernie Sanders’ single payer plan is here. Think of it as an opening bid.
Proposing the most generous health insurance system in the world as an opening bid.
Hillary Clinton still doesn't get 'what happened' in the 2016 election
Working-class voters had legitimate grievances that Democrats ignored.
Sessions forced Trump into his dumbest political move yet
President 'Amnesty'?
‘Bodega,’ the start-up that wants to kill mom-and-pop shops, is a very bad idea
A box the size of a not-quite-satisfactory pantry cannot possibly contain all of a community's necessities.
The growing black-white wage gap is unexplained — and scary
A new study examines five possible explanations.
Jim Obergefell: Edie Windsor, my hero and my friend
In her fight for equality, she helped others turn their possibilities into reality.
The Olympics used to feature art competitions. Let's bring them back.
Paris and Los Angeles are the two most successful organizers of the long-lost Olympic art competitions.
The GOP is still wrestling with consent issues
Does 'like' mean 'don't like,' or 'kind-of like'?
Setting the table for 2018 and beyond
Certainty about our politics is illusory.
Trump is privately raging about Robert Mueller. But all of this is his own fault.
Is Trump capable of grasping that he is to blame for the Mueller appointment? It's not clear that he is -- and that could have severe consequences.
Mnuchin has no clue how to win on tax reform
The Goldman Sachs tax cuts will flop
‘What Happened’? Hillary Clinton asks the wrong question and is the wrong person to answer it.
This is what she should have asked.
That time Edie Windsor got angry — and changed America
What an incredible inheritance she left us. All of us.
Rotten Tomatoes isn’t killing Hollywood. Hollywood is killing Hollywood.
Movie industry executives need to start taking some responsibility for their own woes.
The voting commission is a fraud itself. Shut it down.
This is a partisan voter-suppression initiative
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