Monday 4 September 2017

Monday's Headlines: North Korea defies predictions — again — with early reach of weapons milestone

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
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North Korea defies predictions — again — with early reach of weapons milestone
The blast that shook the ground at North Korea's test site Sunday instantly erased lingering skepticism about Pyongyang's technical capabilities and brought the prospect of nuclear-tipped North Korean intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of devastating a major city one step closer to reality, U.S. analysts and weapons experts said.
South Koreans wonder why Trump is attacking an ally after North Korea's nuclear test
The president criticized the South Korean approach to dealing with North Korea's nuclear ambitions as "appeasement." But South Korean President Moon Jae-in said his government would continue to work toward peaceful denuclearization on the peninsula.
The timing of North Korea's nuclear test could not be worse for China's president
Xi Jinping has been preparing for the National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a twice-a-decade political meeting next month that is a chance for him to prove he has consolidated power and has a plan for China for the years ahead.
Trump is expected to phase out DACA program, although decision is not finalized
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, an Obama-era program, grants work permits to about 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. The president is expected to delay its end for six months to give Congress time to pass legislation to replace it, according to people briefed on the president's discussions.
Hurricane floodwaters put car-loving Houston in a big-time jam
Harvey appears to be the most destructive event for cars in the nation's history, with flooding that destroyed hundreds of thousands of vehicles in a sprawling region in which residents rely primarily on private cars and trucks to get to work and school.
Environmental concerns grow as wastewater, drinking water systems compromised
The Environmental Protection Agency said that Hurricane Harvey has put more than 800 wastewater treatment facilities out of commission. Thousands of people in Southeast Texas still don't have safe drinking water.
It's time to balance the power between workers and employers
American workers will catch on to Trump's con
The quiet comeback of the middle class
Hosting Malaysia's prime minister marks another setback for the rule of law
Fire, fury — and confusion
Facing North Korea, Washington and Seoul must avoid war with each other
More News
With a brutal September to-do list, GOP is already clashing over Harvey relief, debt limit
President Trump and congressional Republicans are under intense pressure this month to score some significant policy victories and to fulfill such basic duties as avoiding default and keeping the government open. But the path to success continues to look politically perilous.
Man seen leaving bar with missing Temple University student is charged with murder
Police found the body of 22-year-old Jenna Burleigh at a Pennsylvania home on Saturday. The suspect has confessed to "elements of the crime," police said.
In German debate, Merkel and her challenger go after Trump, but not each other
Civility reigned when the chancellor squared off with rival Martin Schulz ahead of this month's vote.
Heat spurs a surge in California, Oregon wildfires
Ash rained down on Los Angeles from a blaze that the mayor said is the largest in the city's history. In Oregon, search and rescue crews airdropped supplies to hikers who were forced to sleep in the woods after being stranded by fire.
Walter Becker was the cynical one hiding behind the guitar
Over an eight-year stretch with Steely Dan, Becker and Donald Fagen produced a catalogue like no other. They were as subversive as they were popular, and they were very popular.
Here's the best thing the media can do when reporting on 'antifa'
It's not the equivalent of white supremacists and it shouldn't be portrayed that way.
Backpacks are making a comeback
The most innovative wearable luggage allows technology, clothing and food to coexist without making a mess.
Their dream jobs are far apart
An engaged couple landed the work they always wanted — but in different states.
The 14 dating terms you should know
The phrase book includes benching, bread-crumbing, ghosting and zombie-ing.

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