Monday 11 September 2017

Monday's Headlines: Irma rakes Florida, inflicting damage from coast to coast

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
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Irma rakes Florida, inflicting damage from coast to coast
Weakened Irma, now a Category 1 storm, still threatened with storm surge and ripping winds as it progressed over vulnerable Tampa. In Naples and along Florida's Gulf coast the storm had already cause rapidly rising water levels, and it had also triggered tornadoes and flooding in Miami on the state's opposite coast.
'Catastrophic' storm surge feared from Hurricane Irma
Once it's over, forecasters fear that this storm will go down as one of the worst in Florida's history.
Tampa mayor: 'We are about to get punched in the face by this storm'
When the last major hurricane hit the flat and flood-prone Tampa Bay region in the 1920s, hardly anyone lived there. Now the area has a highly developed coastline and 4 million residents.
'I feel like I'm in a sardine can': Fraying nerves and feeling powerless as the storm finally arrives
The lower half of the nation's third-most-populous state went into lockdown as residents rode out a storm that was nearly as big as the state of Florida and wondered when it would end.
Irma reminds us of all we don't know about the world
Time to put maximum pressure on North Korea
Trump has spent his presidency making Democrats stronger
The deficit is everybody's fault
Let Trump's travel ban expire
Trump returns to his first love, and the ties that bind
More News
Bannon declares war with Republican leadership in Congress
In his first interview since leaving the White House, Stephen K. Bannon came down hard on congressional leaders and criticized members of the administration he believed had displayed disloyalty to President Trump.
President's bipartisanship signals a warning to the GOP
Trump has never seen himself as a Republican Party standard-bearer, but as the leader for a growing share of American voters furious at the haplessness of the political system.
In Harvey's wake, a Texas-size struggle to rebuild amid poverty
In Aransas Pass, schools have shut down for the year, and residents needing medical care will have to travel at least 20 miles to Corpus Christi until the local hospital can be repaired.
As Germans prepare to vote, a mystery grows: Where are the Russians?
With Russian President Vladimir Putin's European nemesis, Chancellor Angela Merkel, seeking reelection, the country braced for a tide of leaks, bots and disinformation. But evidence of any meddling has been scant.
US commemorates 9/11 attacks with thousands expected at Ground Zero
Relatives of the victims, survivors, rescuers and others are expected to gather today at the World Trade Center to mark the 16th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on American soil.
She rejected chemotherapy and chose to die of cancer — so she could give birth to her child
Carrie DeKlyen was 19 weeks pregnant and battling cancer when she suffered a major stroke. Doctors told her husband that they would do what they could to keep the baby growing, but that his wife would probably not wake up again.

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