Friday 15 September 2017

Living sculptures that stand for history's truths

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Today's TED Talk

Living sculptures that stand for history's truths

13:15 minutes · TEDGlobal 2017

In the century-old statues that occupy Cape Town, Sethembile Mzesane didn't see anything that looked like her own reality. So she became a living sculpture herself, standing for hours on end in public spaces dressed in symbolic costumes, to reclaim the city and its public spaces for her community. In this powerful, tour-de-force talk, she shares the stories and motivation behind her mesmerizing performance art.

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Playlist of the Day

The rise of Africa's next generation

The rise of Africa's next generation

What's the biggest influence on Africa's future? Its youth. Join the conversation with Africa's present leaders who seek to inspire and empower the generations of leaders to come. Watch »

5 talks · Total run time 1:23:22

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