Monday 11 September 2017

How our friendship survives our opposing politics

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Today's TED Talk

How our friendship survives our opposing politics

14:25 minutes · TEDxMileHigh

Can you still be friends with someone who doesn't vote the same way as you? For Caitlin Quattromani and Lauran Arledge, two best friends who think very differently about politics, the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election could have resulted in hostility and disrespect. Hear about how they chose to engage in dialogue instead -- and learn some simple tactics they're using to maintain their bipartisan friendship.

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Playlist of the Day

How to turn the political conversation around

How to turn the political conversation around

Insightful talks that can help improve political debate so that we can build toward a better society. Watch »

9 talks · Total run time 1:41:12

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